Wellness Through The Eyes Of African Women- Ms. Lucy Nshuti Mbabazi2 min read

Name: Ms. Lucy Nshuti Mbabazi

Role: A Girls & Digital Economy Champion

MA: What does wellness mean to you?

Wellness is everything. Wellness is medicine. Wellness is a must do.

MA: Are you currently prioritizing your well-being … why and if yes how?

I prioritize at least 7 hours of sleep per night every chance I get, good nutrition – the ultimate body transformer, fitness, and quality time with family and friends.  All these serve as outlets and therapy for me, I enjoy and take great pride in achieving these each day. I also don’t allow non issues and small talk to distract me from my purpose, the financial freedom of 1.3 billion Africans.

MA: What can we do to make wellness a priority?

We need to create awareness of the importance of wellness.  I don’t think many African women know the “ME” time or make it a point to schedule it because we are conditioned to go go go, lead in nearly everything. Wellness clinics can help.  For example here in Rwanda, carefree day/Umuganda can feature a wellness session/desk.  Awareness and spaces that promote wellness could make a difference


Ms. Lucy Nshuti Mbabazi – A Girls & Digital Economy Champion

Lucy Nshuti Mbabazi is the Head of Africa Advocacy and Partnerships of The Better Than Cash Alliance, a UN-hosted partnership of governments, companies, and international organisations that accelerates the transition from cash to digital payments in order to reduce poverty and drive inclusive growth. Prior to joining the Better Than Cash Alliance, Nshuti worked for the Rwanda government, Visa Inc. and most recently led the Merchant Payments Business for Ecobank Transnational Inc. covering 33 African markets, based at the HQ in Lomé, Togo.

Nshuti holds a Master of Science in Public Policy from Harvard Kennedy School of Government and Bachelor of Science in Information Technology & Management from Laroche University.

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