Wellness Through The Eyes Of African Women- Ms. Mitwa Ng’ambi2 min read

Name: Ms. Mitwa Ng’ambi

Role: CEO, MTN Rwanda

 MA: What does wellness mean to you?

Wellness for me is about ALL of me; the physical, mental and spiritual. I always find there is peace in the balance of these three, especially when they are deliberately nurtured.

MA: Are you currently prioritizing your well-being… why and if yes, how?

Oh yes, definitely! Probably not as much as I should, but being deliberate is something I truly try to maintain consistency in. For physical wellness, I listen to my body and rest when I need to. I’m also quite the early bird so that I can get some exercise or physical activity in before the day starts. To stimulate my mind, I read (or more like, listen) to a lot of books. There’s always something I’m reading at any given time. For mental wellness, I try to stay connected to things that make me happy such as spending time with family and friends, talking a lot about what’s going on “upstairs”. I go to church on Sundays too, I currently attend CCR, which is always a refreshing way to start the week.

MA: How can sports contribute to wellness?

From my personal experience, being physically active in any form of exercise truly helps. One of the best parts of my day are early mornings, when there’s nothing else on my mind apart from me thinking about how I’m going to push through a workout. When done, I feel balanced and ready to kickstart the day!



Ms. Mitwa Ng’ambi – CEO MTN Rwanda

Mitwa Ng’ambi CEO, MTN Rwanda is a telecom specialist with a career spanning more than 10 years in telecoms, originally from Zambia but has worked in various countries on the African Continent. She has also been described as one with experience in commerce, technology, developing growth strategies plus leading mergers and acquisitions in the telecom industry.

She has a master’s degree in Computer Science from the University of Joensuu, Finland, and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science from the University of Namibia.

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