Wellness Through The Eyes Of African Women- Ms. Denise Benzinge Omany2 min read

Name: Ms. Denise Benzinge Omany

Role: Tourism and Hospitality Enthusiast

QN: What does wellness mean to you ?

Wellness to me means Mind, Body and Soul.

These must be in the best form at all times and we need to do whatever it takes to ensure we are not falling short on any of these fronts.

A healthy mind in a healthy body as they say! All must be well fed too to ensure you are positively motivated with life as this feeds your behavior, attitude and character.

QN: Are you currently prioritizing your well being? Why? If Yes, how?

Oh Yes. This is a nonnegotiable, as I mentioned a health mind needs a health body!

But I must admit that the pandemic kind of got the best of me. Working from home changed my behavior with food and generally ensuring I am taking care of me.

Before I knew it, the weighing scale was giving me figures I had never seen, my clothes were tighter and just did not like the person I was seeing in the mirror. Then I knew it was time to get serious before this got out of hand. This year I decided, “enough excuses”! I needed to manage my meals but above all add an hour of workout on my schedule if something was going to change. I am on my 2nd week and I hope that the results will show soon

QN: What can we do to make wellness a priority?

Your Health is your Wealth! Ladies, nothing can be more important than taking care of yourself.

You will not manage to keep your family healthy, if you are not healthy yourself and that is just the way it is.

You give what you have. So make it your priority, for your wellbeing comes first then everyone around you will rip from the source.



Ms. Denise Benzinge Omany – Tourism and Hospitality Enthusiast


Denise Benzinge-Omany has over 25 years experience in the Hospitality Industry. She is currently the Managing Director of New Horizon Ltd. Previously served as Project Manager Cultural Tourism at RDB and formerly CEO Rwanda Convention Bureau, Country Sales & Marketing Manager Serena Hotels Rwanda among many other positions in the industry.

She is passionate about mentoring the youth with special emphasis on women in the service industry, fueling the growth of Rwanda’s hospitality sector for service excellence.

Ms. Benzinge-Omany serves on different boards, including; New Faces New Voices Rwanda Chapter, Prime Holdings Limited Board and Rugori Investment Network.

She derives satisfaction engaging in projects that empower women financially. A firm believer in the notion that when you empower a woman, you empower a nation!




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