Wellness Through The Eyes Of African Women- Ms. Jannice Tagoe2 min read

Name: Ms. Jannice Tagoe

Role: Serial Entrepreneur, Innovation Consultant and CEO, Usherfort

QN: What does wellness mean to you ?

Wellness to me means a lot but most importantly wellness to me as an African woman means self-care, self-love, healthy living and also mental health improvement.

QN: Are you currently prioritizing your well being? Why? If Yes, how?

There is a myth that “taking care of your mind and body is a form of elite care that is only granted to the few” is far fetched from the reality. I believe that the well-being of women should be a necessity. As a young woman who shoulders a lot of responsibilities both domestic by virtue of being the eldest child and also administratively discharging duties as a leader, it’s expected of me to be strong and able to efficiently manage everything thrown at me. But this is where I prioritize my mental health to overturn overwhelming situations and challenges. I make time to have enough sleep or rest when needed, I take in more water to stay hydrated and I’ve got a routine where I make time to isolate and assimilate situations, eventful days and turn off events to prioritize what to address immediately, what to focus on more and how to get what’s left done if an assistance from any of my team members is required.

QN: What can we do to make wellness a priority?

  1. Practice preventive care: Long-term wellness is a better approach than seeking short-term solutions for the problem at hand.
  2. Encourage Women to prioritize their wellbeing: Quite a significant number of women have reeled under the impact of Covid as such, they’ve been forced to alter their lifestyles to manage more stress at home or at work. Due to this, healthcare needs or wellness may have lost its relevance in their day-to-day lives.
  3. Scheduling annual or period medical appointments to examine health situations or complications particularly with women.
  4. Women prioritizing their mental, nutritional, physical and sexual health.



Jannice Tagoe – CEO , Usherfort


Jannice Tagoe is an Experienced Brand Development Consultant with a demonstrated history of working in the marketing and advertising industry. Skilled in Branding & Identity, Executive Coaching, Business Development and Social Media Marketing.

She doubles as the Founder and CEO of Usherfort Ltd, an events and protocol service company with an astounding reputation, and the likes of Google, Standard Chartered,Belaire , Baileys,Johnnie Walker, Absa etc as it’s top Clients

She recently launched her Agency “Jannice Digital” which creates meaningful experiences that helps build brands and creates value for businesses using custom strategies built on modern technologies.
Jannice hopes to continue empowering women to rise beyond level and break status quo through her Organization, Jannice Humanitarian Initiatives.


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