Parenting and self love are not mutually exclusive3 min read

Being a mother has been the greatest blessing, but also challenge for me…

This journey of motherhood has been so incredible but I’d be lying if I didn’t acknowledge how hard it is.

I think we can all agree mothering/parenting is hard… and if it’s not, we’re probably not doing it right.

It’s a lot of responsibility, a lot more than when we didn’t have children.

Sometimes we (ok, let me speak for myself…) I, am afraid to talk about the hard because how can hard and blessings be talked about together? Won’t people think I regret my kids? Will I seem ungrateful?

I love the life I’ve built and being able to serve my children, but sometimes I get so overwhelmed with it all. Sometimes I think about my life before all these responsibilities. Not that I want to go back to life without kids, but I do grieve some of those aspects that I lost. The freedom I had ALL the time.

But this doesn’t mean we can’t have those aspects. We just have to be intentional to create that space. Space for self care, hangout with the girlfriends, weekend away with the hubby, etc. And here’s the key… not feeling bad about it. Creating the space also comes with giving ourselves permission (and I think that’s often the hardest part).

Many times I feel like a big huge ball of string that is intertwined and all messy. I need to unravel myself but don’t know where to began. There’s so many competing things at play. I find myself so busy, doing so much, but then still looking at the daunting list of things I’ve been saying I need to do for months.

My brain races early in the morning before I get out of bed and late at night before sleeping. That’s when everything hits me.

At times, I feel like I’m failing at this mom thing. But then I remember that my kids aren’t looking for a perfect mom. They’re looking for a present, healthy and whole mom. One who remembers to take care of herself, gives grace to herself and appreciates herself for all the hard work she does.

Many times a lot of what we do goes unrecognized… but I want to tell you all that you’re doing an incredible job. If you’re feeling tired and down… it’s completely normal! You’re doing hard work.

1. Give yourself grace today.
2. Ask for help when you can… even if it’s offloading a little more to the nanny/sitter so you can have a break (doesn’t make you any less of a mom).
3. Do something for yourself (self care)
4. Go hang out with a girlfriend
5. Have a date night with hubby and don’t talk about transactional things

Mom, you’re incredible and those kids of yours are so lucky to have you. Thank yourself today because you’re amazing.

Now go and do something for yourself this week, because you deserve it.

Mom, what’s ONE thing you’ll promise to do for yourself this week? Share with a friend to hold you accountable.


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