Wellness Through The Eyes Of African Women – Ms Flavia Tumusiime1 min read

Name: Ms Flavia Tumusiime

Role: Media Personality, Personal Finance & Growth Coach

QN: What does wellness mean to you as an African woman?

Wellness is a lifestyle. Its me choosing to nourish my mind body and wholeness with the best. Its accepting that every aspect of my body supports me and I must do my best to support it.

Do you prioritize it? If yes, how?

Yes I prioritize wellness through many ways but the highlights include eating mainly nutritious and plant based meals, sleeping for more than 5hrs without fail and also working out weekly.

QN: Any wellness practices passed down to you that you are keen on passing on yourself?

Uhmmm nope! Wellness wasn’t a discussion from anyone around me or my community. I had to learn most things on my own.

QN: What has been your biggest lesson / realization about wellness?

That its not something you switch on and off or do for a few days. Wellness is a lifestyle. Its who you become.



Flavia Tumusiime has over 20 years of experience in the media industry in East Africa. From teens tv on WBS tv to a continental platform on Channel O, anchoring news on NTV Uganda and hosting a lifestyle show on Capital FM. A public speaker and sought after MC.

Her efforts in the Ugandan entertainment industry have made her a force to reckon with. Since 2007 Flavia has been acting in films, including ”Kiwaani”, in which she played along with Juliana Kanyomozi and other greats.

Flavia is also a Growth and Personal finance coach, enthusiast about helping SMEs and individuals define and earn from their brands and businesses.



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