Dear Me4 min read

It’s been a while, actually scratch that, this is my first time writing to you or is it me?? Us??? But anyway, it’s been a while does have a nice ring to it but also hello seems like a more polite place to start?? Wait do I even need to be polite to myself? Probably?? Mmm, Yeah! I should be nice to myself, so, hello me! Hope you are well and happy and all that jazz!

My life’s been pretty okay too I think, nothing too drastic has happened lately. Well, except for Covid, school, and all the wonderful breakdowns that came with those two amazing things, yay! Oh, and I’m 16 now, wonder how that happened, and I live in Rwanda, in a place called Musanze to be specific, and I haven’t been to Uganda in 2 years, which sucks, but yeah, hopefully, I’ll get the chance to visit over the holidays and see mum and everyone again, hopefully. But anyway! I’m vegetarian now! Awesome right?! Mum and Dad said I could be, like maybe a year ago, I’m not sure but around a year after I got settled in Musanze, I started going on a vegetarian diet! You know, I probably had a really good reason for becoming vegetarian but I kinda, sort of, maybe, forgot, ahem… I’m sure it’ll come to me… eventually.

It had something to do with saving animals and the environment though, I think, but it could have also been just about being healthy soooo, yeah, whatever helps me sleep at night, haha… Ahem, well, though I could write a whole essay about the benefits of being a vegetarian, to be honest, (Edit: I actually wrote an essay for my English class lol), I’ll just leave that topic for another time, since I still want to rant, I mean talk, definitely talk, about all the other stuff going on in my surprisingly not-so-boring-but-at-times-difficult-life, like how my skin is still as ridiculously sensitive as ever!

Well, not ridiculously, just a bit… inconvenient at times, yeah, just a bit inconvenient! For instance, how I can’t use deodorant with perfume in it and how I have to be careful with the types of soaps I use, and literally anything else that might come in contact with my skin. Sometimes my skin even reacts badly to water! Can you believe it?? Water?! I mean, I get that I’m probably not the only one whose skin might be just as… inconvenient… but it can still be rather annoying and sometimes even stressful having to always be sooo painstakingly attentive to what I can even put on my skin! Even, on rare occasions, clothes can be unreasonably problematic! Like one day I can wear this sweater and my skin is fine but the next time I wear the same sweater again my skin just randomly decides that “Nooo! I don’t like this sweater anymore let me just break out into a random rash real quick!” Is that normal?? Sometimes I doubt it is, but other than the sometimes unbelievably inconvenient-ness of my skin I absolutely adore it!

I love my skin and I doubt I would ever and I mean evveeerrr want to change it for someone else’s, even though it can be rather irritating and so randomly irritated, I still find myself fond of it and I’m happy with or rather in my skin. And my skin can also be “kind” at times, like how we all have ‘perfect hair days’, ‘perfect skin days’ are just as amazing! Well, ‘perfect’ is a bit unrealistic but I’m sure you get what I mean. This might be a bit cringy, okay, a lot cringy, but I think my skin and everything else about myself, to be honest, is imperfectly perfect and I love it!

But, wow, this letter?? Is surprisingly longer than I thought it would be, yeah, like way longer, ha ha. I’ll stop here then, since I’ve mostly covered everything that’s happened in not-so-boring-but-at-times-difficult-life, mostly… and I wouldn’t want to overwhelm you (me??), with all the rather turbulent thoughts constantly going on in my head, sooo, bye for now me! I’ll hopefully write to you again soon!


Anonymous, a.k.a, also me!

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