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Expert Corner

Duntan West
Health Coach

Sola Adesakin
Financial Expert

Julian Ngabire
Childhood Development Expert

Doreen Nyiramugisha
Wellness Coach

Olajumoke Olumide
Fitness Instructor

Barbara Mugambe Buyana
Wellness Coach

Jane Akaliche
Space & Wellness Consultant

Loy Kwagala
Image Consultant
Duntan West’s interest in healthier living started after she conquered a major health challenge and found herself advising multiple loved ones with similar health issues. She then decided to seek for more knowledge and undertook a certification course at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, New York, USA. She obtained a diploma and learned innovative coaching methods, practical lifestyle management techniques and over 100 dietary theories – Ayurveda, gluten-free, paleo, raw vegan, macrobiotics and everything in between. She studied with the world’s top health and wellness expert like; Joshua Rosenthal, Deepak Chopra and David Katz. Her education has equipped her with extensive, cutting-edge knowledge in holistic nutrition, health coaching and prevention. In 2018 she took another course in Hormone Health. This has made her an international recognized Health Coach. Duntan is also an Event Planner with 20 years of events management experience. She attended The George Washington University in the US to become a Certified Events & Destination Management professional. She is an active member of the International Live Events Association (ILEA) – the flagship industry of event professionals worldwide, was the founding President of ILEA Nigeria and currently the International Chair person for ILEA on DEI. She is also a member of Meeting Professionals International.
Personal site Sola Adesakin is a Chartered Accountant by profession and a Financial Literacy Enthusiast by passion. She started out her career as an Accountant and got a headstart with many opportunities and good jobs that provided her a decent salary. She was always in debt, had no savings and was always agitated. The consequences of her financial illiteracy soon showed up and she bore them shamefacedly. Her life experiences made her realize the formal education system does not equip one with what it takes to manage and multiply money. Financial literacy isn't acquired merely by attending school. Winning with your money is a different ball game entirely. After reading a book that simplified money management and emphasized the need to have the right money mindset, she began to take her finances more seriously. After mastering money matters, she began to teach others around her. This effort is what has metamorphosed into Smart Stewards, a tech-enabled Financial Literacy organization that currently provides financial literacy courses, communities, content and coaching to people in over 30 countries. The highlight of her career began about 3 years ago when she setup of the Smart Investment Club. In only 3 years of existence of The Smart Investment Club, her circa 8,000-member community of professionals was able to invest in local and global opportunities in millions of dollars. She has also published eight (8) books to teach financial literacy to people at different levels and in all age brackets. Her work has been featured on Print and TV Media in Nigeria and around Africa. Website: www.smartstewards.comIG: Sola_AdesakinLinked in: Sola Adesakin
Personal site Julian Ngabire was always and still is very much passionate about development issues. In 2009, while working on a project to increase access to menstrual health services and products for an NGO she came face to face with the gaps in the Early Childhood Development sector, albeit it was not even known as such at the time in Rwanda. For several days while training women on how to leverage local materials to make sanitary pads and how to manage their menses, several of them came coming with their young children, even though they were already at the school going age, and she was shocked that they were not just in school but there were also no schools for their age as well as no play spaces which, in my naivety took for granted. There she was; supporting women to create their own businesses while tackling a barrier to education and work; but there was another looming issue; inability to access childcare and early education for the children, which, to me would still be a hindrance to the mothers’ efforts to be independent workers. She could not help but wonder how vast the issue was. It took her over 2 years to gather influence and create a space that would enable policy makers, parents, teachers and communities understand why its important to ensure children have access to inclusive child friendly spaces and environments for learning and development not just in Kigali, but around the country and in African. 4 years later, despite that understanding why PLAY is key for cognitive, physical, mental and brain development for children was still low, she defied the norms and kept speaking up through social media, presentations, talks, conferences, and networks despite obstacles, advocating for child friendly spaces, and pushing for creating a learning system that allows all children thrive mentally and emotionally and while at it find her life path— to professional growth through my passion She started an organization; The PlayHub ( through which she advocates, educates and implements Early childhood developments programs with a focus on Learning Through Play, a key child development learning component that is ignored, considered expensive and a waste of time. Since then, her passion and consistency of her work around Learning through play has enabled her to inspire others; especially women and young girls to pursue their passion; one step at a time and be leaders in their areas of expertise. She has won grants, awards, been a speaker and presenter, moderator and written papers on why PLAY matters in childhood development to organizations such as the LEGO Foundation, UNICEF among others; opportunities that have enabled her to influence policy and practice as well as support Early Childhood Development programs both locally and, in the region.
Personal site Doreen has always unapologetically followed her passion and was lucky to discover what she loved earlier in life. While working as a Tv and radio host, she spent most of her days talking and connecting with people from different walks of life.After her media days, Doreen ventured into nutrition because of her love for good healthy food. It was clear for her audience and those around her that she was drawn to all things wellness. Organically she grew into her role as a wellness coach.Her start can be described as unconventional. After leaving Uganda where she was born and raised, she found herself in a completely different environment, which made her approach to wellness pivot to ‘sex, sexual health and hormonal imbalances’ in order to help break the taboo and silence culture in an atmosphere that hides away from sexual awareness dialogues.Doreen’s path was also influenced by her personal experiences and years of practicing what she preaches. She believes one cannot deliver others when he/she needs delivering. You can’t give what you don’t have. Having a close relationship with herself helped her master her highs and lows, learn to set boundaries, build mental blocks to thrive.Today, she spends her time sharing nutrition, sex, sexual health and hormonal imbalances resources with busy women and young girls.

Olajumoke Olumide
Fitness Instructor
Olajumoke Olumide is an ex-fitness instructor, born and raised in Lagos Nigeria. As a young girl before the age of 10, Olajumoke was very tiny but all changed in her teenage years. As she started gaining weight, her peers began to call her ‘chubby Jumoke’ in Schools. Her fight to fit, using simple routines helped her go from the chubby kid at school, to becoming a qualified fitness instructor with a big heart for helping others.While she is no longer a fitness instructor, Olajumoke is always quick to answer the call to serve. She continues to impact the many lives on the African continent through her charity work including Rwanda and is always happy to share her knowledge when requested to do so.
Barbara Mugambe Buyana is a 32-year-old mom and wife. A wellness coach and psychologist with a heart for helping people understand their mind and how to work on their health in a holistic way.She believes that one cannot work on one area of their wellness and expect to achieve the goals that they wanted to achieve. The wellness circle consists of 5 circles and they should all be OK for for the individual to achieve ultimate peace and know how to handle particular situations in their life.When she was pregnant with her first child she got a condition called edema and it took a toll on her. She was depressed before giving birth and ended up getting high blood pressure. After having her baby and getting well, she decided that was not going to be her life because she needed to be healthy for her baby.Barbara decided to start her fitness journey. She committed to working through her edema and also managed to work on her blood pressure.She was determined to deal with the mental and emotional toll, being emotionally reactive, the depression and sadness. Adjusting to be a mother of two was not easy but she decided not to let it define her.Barbara started her coaching journey in 2019, She believed she had so much to share with the world and could maybe help struggling mothers or women to achieve that little peace that she also found.Today, she spends most of her time helping others live happier and healthier lives through her work.
From jobless mum to director of El Amanella Ltd, from struggling in relationships to thriving in marriage and relationships, from broken to a confident woman, Jane Akaliche has experienced it all and has gone through the healing process and developed the tools to support herself and others to live life beautifully!Jane Akaliche is a Kenyan Space and Wellness Consultant, she is trained in education, entrepreneurship, human resource and psychology. She has over 13 years’ work experience. Her work entails building healthy and positive spaces from the inside out.She is passionate about supporting women to ignite their confidence and pursue their passion despite their circumstances in life, this passion is embodied in her coaching approach where she has worked with women of different ages for the past 10 years.Jane is also a pastor’s wife and a mother to 3 beautiful children.She runs coaching courses under the space health clinic program, specially designed to offer solutions for the professional millennial woman and corporate groups which cater for their spiritual, emotional, mental and physical wellness as well as brightening up physical spaces through her interior decor solutions.Jane believes who you are is a mirror of your environment. Take care of your space and you will see tangible result.She walks this journey with her clients and holds their hand as they identify and take charge of their inner and outer space treasures and making them beautiful again.
Loy’s admiration for a not only a positive but success personal image was realised as early as the age of 6. Her parents and early childhood education teachers appreciated her politeness, an eye for detail, order, patience, self-initiative, leadership, a special care for fashion and style, confidence to speak in public, great imagination and nurtured those gifts which have given her the career she has now and enjoys sharing with the rest of the world.Loy is an Image Consultant, author and founder of Loy’s Image Consulting where she has helped individuals and organizations to obtain their Absolute Success Image from the inside out for over 10 years.Despite her first degree being in Science in Information Technology from Sikkim Manipal University, India and a MBA/IT-ITES from International School of Science and Technology, her desire to help individuals and organizations obtain their to improve and transform their Image directed her into Organization Management and Administration for 14 years. She is partner at EL Customer Management Consult for the past 8 years. In all these organizations she was leading and inspiring confidence in both the internal and external clients she worked with.Her work entails mentoring and coaching individuals and organizations on how to break the norm of “never judge a book by the cover” teaching them how to obtain their Absolute Success Image from the inside out to confidently allow themselves to be judged by the cover whether by society or the market place. Her weekly online ASI class has students from over 22 countries.For Loy, spirituality is key to living a wholesome life. When she is not coaching, Loy serves as a worship leader at Makerere Full Gospel Church.Loy believes that what you let into your mind is critical, as it influences your thoughts and what you speak into your life and the world. Your inner reality translates into your physical, outer reality. This can either add value to your outlook or remove all the price tags you’re wearing.