I Look At Women In A Different Light2 min read

Whenever I look at this my girl, I marvel at God’s magical wonders.

You see, when I gave birth to Ziza my first born, I fell so deeply in love with a human being in a way I had never loved. I doubted I’d ever love another child as well as I do him, I almost feared getting pregnant again if I’d not be able to love another child as much as I did Ziza. And doubted the possibility. But I gave my heart a shot…

My 2nd pregnancy was a pure lesson at love and Loving. I felt my heart stretch out with love with every month that went by. I felt a different sorta love, not replacing, not competing but there… I felt and learnt that the human heart has the capacity to love so many people and as many as one chooses to love. I made space for another, for her…

And when the lesson was well learnt, she came, I saw her face. But she spread her angelic wings and flew back to heaven.

Then Olivia came along. And filled the void. The love was there, and I am amazed every time I look at her. Funny how a mother gets to partner with God at creation. And the Miracles she gets to see.

Since then, I look at women in a different light. I am filled with this burning desire to keep reminding them of how extraordinary they are. Built for extra-ordinary lives, and magical creations.

To every woman that feels like she’s struggling to conceive, I say, “why despair, you are not here for ordinary stories. You’re magic and your story of creating, birthing and partnering with God has to be extra-ordinary…watch God amaze you. Go with the flow, and watch out for your miracle”

There are so many channels through which a woman can be a mother. Best believe.

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