Handling Rejection In The Market Place2 min read

This New Year, I walked in with a level of self-worth because I know what I bring on the table. All I need to do is focus on my mental space plus knowing and enjoying what I do. This is because the moment one starts to perform for the mass, that’s when one stops enjoying what they do. People end up basing their success on how people react to what they do. We are always seeking to be applauded by people, but I think that should come from within.

Sometimes we carry narratives that set the path in which we walk.

When it comes to rejection, in the past I would already walk into certain rooms expecting some level of rejection. I am sure part of this comes from the narrative influenced by where we come from. Many factors around us, leave us not feeling worthy. We get into a situation, already knowing that there is a limit to how far we can go.

It is therefore safe to say, the best way to deal with rejection is to go ahead and do what you set out to do in the first place.

We all know stories like that of Steve Jobs. No one understood what he/they wanted to do and many rejected his/their ideas. Now, Apple is BIG. They went ahead and did what they loved and wanted to do.

I hate rejection but looking back, I have been in some spaces that made me experience self-doubt and I would deal with it by working harder and thinking that the more I put in effort, the more chances of not being rejected… and in the process, the people who want to join me will believe in what I can do and will dance with me. The ones that don’t, I will not entertain them and will not spend my whole life proving myself to them.

We really have to reshape the narrative if we are to “have it all” otherwise while trying to impress everyone, we become the most tired burnt out lot in the whole universe. Many already are!

1 Comment
  1. Lara Amusan says

    This is so true. Narratives we carry become a stronghold if we do not recognise them and address them. We need to form new narratives that indicates how remarkable we are as women.

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