Feel everything1 min read

Love any and everyone.
Some may hurt you, some may not,
Some may leave you questioning you,
but feel everything. .

Feel the butterflies when they come,
feel the angels around you,
feel the breath of whomever you love,
feel the breeze when they’re away,
feel the way her heart beats,
feel the way his warmth engulfs you,
feel the kisses.

Feel your insecurities being secured,
feel what aches and feel what mends,
feel what doesn’t feel right then pursue what makes you feel right. .

You’ll be fine, right?

Sawa then, feel everything.
Love any and everyone.
Some may hurt you, some may not,
Some may leave you questioning you,
but feel everything.

You know how i know that your heart is at peace?

Its in the way you place your love in places where it’s not loved back and still have the audacity to love again,
It’s in the way you place your love in hearts and not feel the guilt of having ever loved,

It’s in the way you still search for it like you have never felt it before,

It’s in the way you listen to beautiful love songs and still feel giddy,

It’s in the way your eyes still light up at the sight of a possible love,

and you choose love above all else, again
and again
and again.. .

Now do you know if your heart is at peace? .

You, Yes, YOU my love,
give your heart some peace!

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