It shall pass1 min read

I can’t speak of this life I’ve been gifted and not put God in the mix. .

I can talk about how I’ve fallen short in so many instances, of how I’ve disappointed my fam, my clan, my friends unimaginably, of how I’ve let my mouth say things that broke people, of how I’ve lied numerous times about some stupid ish, of how I almost lost it last year and the year before that…but that’s just shit people don’t want to hear about because it doesn’t look much like it on the socials, “it can’t be”, they say, well it was!

But you know what else I can talk about, its the fact that peace is in God but peace is also found in ‘our personalest people’. .

Peace raided my life, I kept a calm that just didn’t make sense, or at least I did for as long I could. .

There are days last year I prayed (brokenheartedly) for the things I have now, the state of mind, the genuine laughter, for the clarity of my purpose, the sound decision-making,
for love, for me to love people more graciously, oh how I prayed for these


And I am somehow alive to see it all pass.

I hope you too, choose to live to see it all pass, it shall pass, that, too (whatever’s going on) shall definitely pass!

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