Let go1 min read

Someone said that you will be reduced to or valued by what you allow yourself to tolerate, I don’t know who said that and that’s not even a real quote, but ey

On a serious note though, *swiftly drifting away from the pandemic subject*

learn to sieve, let people go,
let things go, let some relatives go, love some new good genuine souls-create a whole new family apart from your relatives, love some people from a safe distance, encourage a peace-routine in your life

unapologetically, tolerate less bullsh*-(key word is ‘less’ because some of it is where we get our patience lessons from.)

I PROMISE YOU, that routine will settle the indecisiveness that beautiful mind you possess is entrapped in, it’ll even change the tone of your laughter.

Someone said that you will be reduced to or valued by what you allow yourself to tolerate, I don’t even know who said that and that’s not a real quote, but ey • • •

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