Let’s remember1 min read

When we come back from the places we’re hiding out in,
let’s remember the ones who never rose again,
the ones who laid it all down to save us,
the ones who lost it all,
& the ones who completely lost it.

Let’s remember the juxtaposed cards we are being dealt,
Let’s remember that we don’t owe science the glory,
Let’s remember who was peace
and who was not,

Now that you have seen better, seek better,
Let’s remember that we’re not who the sun rises and sets upon,
Let’s vow to remain humane. .

Ehh before i forget,
let’s have fireworks again please,
we need to re-do 2020 new year and perhaps call the Corona period, ‘YEAR X’ and move on.

When we come back from the places we’re hiding out in,
let’s remember the ones who never rose again,
the ones who laid it all down to save us,
the ones who lost it all,
& the ones who completely lost it.

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