Maybe I’ll let you in on stories my heart felt when it was still1 min read

Maybe I’ll let you in on stories my heart felt when it was still,
the stories from when it beat are what I’ll tell you,
I’ll jump-start your heart with mine,
may be that,
only that! .

Hold onto lovers who love you,
Hold onto friends who befriend you,
Hold onto prayers,
Hold onto everything but yourself,
you’ll find bits of yourself by selling

yourself to love and to kindness,
when it pours on love-less souls,
that magic dust always finds its way back to the pores, your pores.

I have nothing to say many times,
I’ll just let you in on stories my heart felt when it was still.
the stories from when it beat are what I’ll tell you,
I’ll jump-start your heart with mine,
may be that,
only that!

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