Stop owning your problems, they are not yours2 min read

On far too many occasions I’ve heard people say, “my” depression, “my” anger issues, “my” anxiety, “my” panic attacks, “my” this, “my” that or the other.


You see, when we speak like this over a problem we find ourselves in, over a matter which is innately temporary, we make it permanent in our own lives, we subconsciously begin to base all we ever do/attempt to do on that problem and we get discouraged, we let that problem be the reason for our rising and setting, we affirm, reassure and remind this problem that it has a home in us, you might have that problem but changing the language in which you address it in your life is the ultimate link to whether it shall walk with you or walk away from you, removing that “my” is the least yet one of the greatest things you can do for yourself, stop speaking life into your troubles, place them right back onto the “temporary” shelf and change how you relate to them.

Adopt the habit of being extremely mindful of not just what you say to others but especially what you say to yourself because that is what ultimately guides your steps as you walk this journey of life, free your mind, be careful what you place on your heart, be watchful of what you choose to let your tongue convince your heart and mind to believe.

You are in fact more than just what breaks you, you are more than the pain that has crossed your path in this lifetime, you are a vessel of goodness if you choose to speak differently about yourself.

This might come off as some person just trying to overly simplify a complex issue but it is not, it is an urge for us all to be accountable to the things we proclaim over our lives by mere utterance of words without much awareness of the consequences these words have on building or shattering our spirits further, nurture the good that is in you and that shall subsequently bring out the good in people around you.

There is a popular phrase in Kinyarwanda which says, “Ururimi rurarema” which directly translates to “the tongue creates”, what this phrase depicts is exactly how powerful words are, powerful enough to create a reality.

Change how you address problems in your life and the power they have over you will decrease significantly, address them fearlessly, remind yourself to stand tall, to rise, to change.

Stop owning your problems, they are not yours.

*Politely places the mic onto the ground*



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