The journey to loving my body1 min read

The journey to loving my body has been one that has brought more mental change and realization, than physical. In December 2021, I made a promise to myself to be intentional about working on my body/temple, true intentionality.

It all started with me shifting my gaze from I want to look good so people can stop calling me “big” or “fat” or whatever else, but doing it for ME. For me to look in the mirror and truly find JOY in what I see.

Intention. It all starts with intention.
First step is intention and then comes the discipline. The discipline to be true to my commitment to myself and the discipline of being accountable for the change I want to see. Throughout my journey of getting my body where I need/want it to be, I had to do a lot of learning and unlearning about my body and a big part of that was learning to listen to my body. Don’t be hard on yourself.

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