Unmoved2 min read

There are people who are hellbent on boxes, NO, cages and ensuring that you fit in them, in what THEY believe is right, NO, better for you to do, to be, to look like.

People who are hellbent on saving face, but go on, empower hearts, build souls, acknowledge broken people, help them up.

How will it look? What will they think?

So what? Let them!

We’ll live to see another day now, won’t we?

There are people who are hellbent on telling stories of who you used to be, too stagnant in their growth that they are still associating themselves with a person even YOU have moved on from but let them, let them tell it all, they’ll grow someday, eventually, hopefully.

There are people whom your light is too bright for, whose egos you intimidate by just being, who detest your guts, THE AUDACITY! (lol) but be good regardless, sieve your people.

There are people who are hellbent on breaking your spirit when they see you rise, when they see you getting up, finally.

All along they were thriving on you being down, they were safe in your suffering so find peace and you’ll be freed from their words towards you or about you, you just keep rising!

There are people who are hellbent on making it about them when its your turn, taking credit which you rightfully deserve, but let them have it, let them have it all, credit isn’t what builds us, character is.

There are people who are hellbent on trying to get you to slide and fall right back into things and into the comfort zone you once yearned to step out of, but let that not faze you keep moving, keep changing, keep taking charge of your life, they’ll be kawa.

There are people who are hellbent on trying to figure you out, trying to crack non-existent codes and hack non-existent softwares, your simplicity, calmness and humility baffles them, unaware of whom these things come from freely.

But you know what, let them have a blast while they’re at it.  There are people who are hellbent on criticizing your best work, what makes you rage with joy, your expressiveness, your moves, your choices, your love, your life.

I hope you see what you did there.

I hope you see what i did there.

Did you?

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