You are good, inspite of, despite of1 min read

I want you to take a close look at your life and everything you have and haven’t failed at…

Everything you have crashed down to the ground by your poor decisions, by your stupidity, by your ‘talking too much’ and barely listening, by your selfishness, by your pride and arrogance…etcetera .

And still say, you are deserving of kindness, you are deserving of acceptance, deserving of grace, deserving of a better life than one which is riddled with hiding and covering up things just to make sure people don’t denounce you. . .

I want you to have a firm grip on that truth which you have come to know by undergoing whatever it is you are going through or went through.

Keep your peace or unveil the peace that’s already in you. .

I want you to be kind to yourself regardless, forgive yourself, begin to tell the truth about yourself again, begin to set yourself free from all that has been said and told about you.

You are good, inspite of, despite of.

You are a miracle walking.

You are a blessing to all those who have and are yet to come your way.

You are more than enough for anyone who seeks your heart.

It is a privilege for anyone who loves you to be loving you in particular, they ought to love you the best way there has ever been.

When you see these things before he/she/they see it in you, you’ll have overcome, you’ll have won your own heart over before they ever do.

I want you to take a close look at your life and everything you have and haven’t failed at. .

That is where you’ll find love.

That is where you’ll find peace.

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