Your Story1 min read

I don’t know where your story started, how its going or where it will end but this i know for sure…

That your tale is intertwined with so many other people’s journeys, I know that if you soak your mind in the deceptive thoughts of shame, you shall inevitably live the rest of your life in shackles.

Your story might seem ordinary to you, it might seem completely unremarkable, forgettable even but at this point you haven’t understood the power it holds more importantly, the power YOU hold!

We have lives full of experiences, full of joy and sometimes sadness but they’re only put to waste when we die holding on to them so tightly, we don’t understand this while we’re still here but we need to.

We need to release our hearts from voices of shame.

When we tell our story we break free, especially when we tell it from a place where we have fully healed, healed enough to even laugh about it.
We are more, sooo much more and WE NEED TO START ACTING LIKE IT!

Tell your story, tell it and see how many lives shall eternally be changed because you told it, tell it because it has no power over you but knowing that that in itself makes you powerful, change your mind about yourself, change your story by telling your story.

I don’t know where your story started, how its going or where it will end but this i know for sure.

Blessings from your girl Shakstar

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