21 Day Meditation Challenge1 min read

Welcome to our 21 Meditation Prayer Challenge, a time to connect with God through His word. Find a quiet space where its just you and God, away from any destructions. This moment is to help you let go of any strife, anxiety, or confusion and let God take charge of your body, soul and mind. Quieten your mind and allow God’s presence to surround you now. Think of all the good He has done for you as you fill your heart with gratitude.


The Lord is your shepherd, you shall not want. He will lie you down in green pastures and lead you beside quiet waters and refresh your soul.

May He guide you along the right paths for his name’s sake. Even though you walk
through the darkest valley, fear no evil, for He is with you right now and always; His rod and staff comfort you.

He will prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies. May He anoint your head with oil of gladness that your cup may overflow.

Surely His goodness and love will follow you
all the days of your life, and you will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Amen

Conclusion: Now, begin to thank God for all that He has done and let Him be your only focus. Don’t rush, take your time….

Thank you for completing this session. You can revisit this link as many times through the #21DayMChallenge

God reward your obedience


Safety Disclaimer
Although meditation can offer support, it is not a replacement to traditional medical care. If you suffer from any serious health concerns, please seek the help of a doctor/trained mental health professional.

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