An Unsharpened Gift Is As Good As A Blunt Sword3 min read

A blunt sward cannot cut, right? Let’s disagree that it can cut, but how long does it take to cut? How much energy do you need to use it to be able to cut or let’s use the word deep, how deep will it cut? Let’s bring it back to our gifts. Some of you are dancers, singers, others are poets, athletes, speakers. Others are gifted to teach, preach and nurse, you know, and care and love. Everybody has a God given gift within them. But if you have kept the gift from the day you’re born up to today and have done nothing with it, I do not know if it actually serves you the purpose it should. You don’t want to end up like the man who had one talent and never used it.

You might be wondering, Loy, how do I sharpen my gifts? It’s very simple, knowledge. Acquire knowledge. Like you’re reading this article right now. You are acquiring knowledge to sharpen your gift and make it better. Listen to who speaks about your gift, watch videos about your gift. If you are a footballer, I don’t expect you to spend a lot of time listening to music. You’re not a singer. If you are a dancer, I don’t expect you to spend a lot of time watching football. No, find the best of the best of the best that do what you do and spend that time learning from them.

Let’s relate this to our professional life. If you are an accountant, and yet you have a gift or an ability in football, believe me, the way you do accounts is going to be as calculative as you are on the soccer field. If you are a singer, the way you do your accounts is definitely going to be as melodic as you sing. Only and only if you actually spend time sharpening that gift. You are paid in the marketplace for the extras that you bring, accounts will not pay you as much, you know. Medicine will not pay you as much. Education will not pay you as much.

But when you attach that little extra onto what you’re offering the market place, the God given you will indefinitely make you stand out. You’ll be the only one of your kind. And you will tell every accountant in this world that, hey, I am an accountant, but because of football, I stand out. I am a parent, but because I am a care giver naturally, I have decided to take it to another level. My family benefits the most out of me. This message is simple. Iron sharpens iron. Your gifts are iron, sharpen them with knowledge. Look for it wherever it is, it won’t look for you, NO! It’s like opportunities, you look for it. And when you find it, you will be so glad you did. In order for you to be able to obtain that Absolute Success Image, your gift has to be sharpened by knowledge verily.

I know it is a process and if you need help, in partnership with Masozera Africa we are giving a free 60 minutes consultation anyone that needs it.

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