How Dealing With My Edema Helped Me Find My Purpose5 min read

I believe that you cannot work on one area of your wellness and expect to achieve the goals that you wanted to achieve. The wellness circle consists of 5 circles and they should all be OK for you to achieve ultimate peace and know how to handle particular situations in your life.

I started my coach journey in 2019, I believed I had so much to share with the world and I could maybe help struggling mothers or women to achieve that little peace that I also found. I am a positive person and I believe in manifestations, whatever you say actually does come into reality, of course there are circumstances that are uncontrollable but your reaction after this particular incident sets the tone. When I started my entrepreneurship journey it was the self-doubt and fear that got me first, I never believed in myself and knowing that I can motivate people every day of their lives. Going down the entrepreneurial road was scary but also exciting, I used to like being comfortable but I noticed I would never grow if I decided to be comfortable. I needed to be uncomfortable to be comfortable. Taking a risk always brings up mixed emotions which cause anxiety, how to cope with the anxiety was also something I had to learn. The different reviews that I get from people have helped me be more confident about what am providing to the world, a chance to love yourself and grow yourself.

When I was pregnant with my first child I got a condition that is called edema and it took a toll on me, I was depressed before giving birth and I got high blood pressure. When I had my baby and she was well I decided that this could not be my life because I needed to be healthy for my baby so that’s when I started my fitness journey. I am a very dedicated person and committed so I worked through my edema and also managed to work on my blood pressure.

Mental and emotional toll would be becoming mentally drained, emotionally reactive and very sad. Adjusting to be a mother of two took a mental toll on me or we can say it was postpartum depression, but I decided to not let it define me.

I love working out mainly going for spin classes, it’s always a magical hour for me. I also love Yoga, it helps with flexibility and breath work plus it helps you learn how to be at peace., and has been my amazing tool. I journal, I pray and get time to relax with family, not so bad having a glass of wine when I can.

Work life balance is something I try to coach people because we allocate our time to very different things that to do not benefit us. I have a rule, once Friday ends, I do not expect a call from anyone, that is a general rule for me. Once it calls 8 every single day I do not expect work because that is family time. It’s about learning what is worth your time and what is not.

I delight in so many things but like everyone I have things most dear to me. Personal joys include my two amazing girls, my husband who always pushes me to get better, my family. My fitness journey has been incredible as well, fighting my edema and controlling my blood pressure. Doing my psychology degree was amazing mainly all through the pandemic, balancing business and personal lives, I had to make a choice. getting my work noticed on different social media platforms has also been a challenge.

Hearing a client say you helped them overcome anxiety or depression, someone continuing with their fitness journey even when they are not with me. Knowing I motivate people to be better every day.

I did not appreciate life at an early age. I was always on the go and always looking out for the next thing that I took a while to stop and smell the coffee.

Every mistake made is a lesson learnt. Our thoughts create our feelings which always create our reaction or behavior.

When I am physically and mentally drained I go for yoga, stretch my body through. I love practicing mindfulness at that time, just putting my feet in the grass is a relief. I always journal, I feel like putting my thoughts on paper will help me see a clear picture. I always do a bath with bath salts and body scrub with some candles, I speak affirming words in my life at this time because at this time I am calm, settled and I mean what I say.

Physical burnout happens to all of us but learning how to handle burnout is a skill. I manage to take rest when I can, I never push myself beyond what I can do. i love sitting on my couch, take a cup of tea and watch a nice movie so that I can reset my body back.

I have a lot to say to you who is reading this, my fellow African ladies. You need to know that you come first, with everything you come first because no one can pour from an empty cup, you have to fill yourself up first before you work on others, work on yourself, learn what makes you happy and what doesn’t. your happiness will always come first. Self-love also means dealing with the traumas that we have inborn or those that we have buried, learn how to feel your emotions instead of pushing them away. Have an accountability group that can always push you to be better, a support  system that will talk you through and help you with a growth mindset because as women we have to always look out for each other. Plus you need to have faith over fear, everything will work out as its meant to be.

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