Money Loves Motion, But It Can Be Tamed.2 min read

The best exercise for the hands is counting money, it reduces joint pains, normalizes blood pressure, and completely eliminates headaches.

That was the content of a postcard I saw recently and I laughed out loud.

But truth be told, money does have the capacity to do some of these things enumerated above.

Money by itself is not value, it is only a representation of value.

Francis Bacon says “Money is a great servant, but a bad leader”

Money is meant to be a tool that helps you leave an amazing life, hence, it shouldn’t direct your emotions

Money loves motion, but it can be tamed.

According to the good therapy org,

Money and financial issues can be significant sources of stress for people. A person’s problems with money may produce such overwhelmingly negative feelings and self-criticism that his or her mental and physical health can be adversely affected.

As we approach year-end, how do you think have you fared with your finances?

What skills do you need to acquire so you can better manage your resources?

Budgeting, credit management, investing, saving, debt management and more are some skills that will help you manage and multiply your resources.

One of your main goals for the New Year should be increasing your income base and I hope to talk about this some other time.

But I must let you know that doing the same thing, and expecting different results will take you nowhere.

Sometimes, you have got to spend money in order to make more money.

Money gravitates towards value

Value is a function of the number of problems you can solve.

There always will be societal needs.

Feeding needs
Clothing needs
Housing needs
Emotional needs
Medical needs.

When you position yourself in a place where you can solve other people’s problems, then you are setting up yourself to make more money.
To increase your income

You have to invest in your self-development; learn a new skill, run a course that broadens your mind and gives you the capacity to be, and more.

What are some of the sectors doing well post covid?

Where is money flowing to?

These are things that should get you interested in keeping abreast of news

I shared an article recently on the 7 things to consider for the new year, and you may find one or two of them useful

Read more about them HERE–9/?utm_medium=copy_link

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