Period Weirdness Lately2 min read

Today I’ve had my lady clients coyly calling in worried about their weird period lately…

  • I have terrible PMS, one moment I want cake, another I want chips, then I am sad and cranky altogether
  • I have gained lots of weight
  • My period is so late
  • I’ve never missed a period ever, this time I can’t see it and I am not pregnant unless it’s by immaculate conception
  • My period cramps came to finish me this time.
  • I am breaking out on my forehead and it’s not funny…
  • I couldn’t get out of bed today because of this Ovulation pain.

The anxiety and stress of the pandemic is taking a toll on everyone, and it can affect your cycle in more ways than you think. Stress activates a specific hormonal pathway which releases cortisol, also known as the stress hormone.

Excess release of cortisol can suppress normal levels of reproductive hormones potentially leading to abnormal ovulation, which can disrupt your cycle.

Amenorrhea, the absence of periods can happen whenever someone’s going through a traumatic event, while daily stress can also impact how long your cycle lasts. You could also experience other weird symptoms, like your PMS getting worse.

If you already have a history of dysmenorrhea, it’s likely that you’ll notice more painful cramps.

A great way to alleviate stress for most has been exercise ( even those who had never exercised) and that is great. However, be mindful of any changes to your weight. The stress that intense physical activity places on your body can affect the hormones responsible for your periods. Losing too much body fat through intense exercise can also stop you ovulating. Similarly, changes in diet and eating patterns have caused others to put on a lot of weight. Your body may produce an excess amount of estrogen which can cause your periods to stop.

Use of adaptogens (herbs that help you cope with stress) like holy basil (mujaja), ashwagandha, maca, goji berries, has been known to help the body reduce the amount of cortisol while improving sleep.

Seed cycling ( using pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, hemp seeds) along with Brazil nuts, walnuts and  almonds based on the four phases of your cycle- is known to naturally get your hormonal rhythms back to their natural state.

Probiotics have been known to improve your melatonin and brain activity while repairing your gut, so kombucha, apple cider vinegar, yoghurt, bushera (millet flour), kefir, sauerkraut are the best fermentation practices to try out at home for your gut (2nd brain) health.

Take the time to practice self care and limit news consumption to a few times a day. Turning to self care exercises such as meditation, stretching and mindfulness each day can help improve your mental health. In addition, checking in with loved ones are also great ways to help yourself, and others, stay connected while isolating.

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