The Importance of Proper Etiquette3 min read

In a world of trolls, ghosts, and other badly behaved human beings, it’s very easy to forget how to act kindly and in a good way towards other people. You can excuse yourself by saying that everybody else is doing it anyway or that the other person certainly deserved it. With so many people defending their negative actions and reactions towards others, is etiquette still relevant and essential in today’s society? And does being well mannered contribute to a person’s wellbeing?

The short answer to that question is yes, of course. Etiquette is more than just about good manners and right conduct, especially in a public setting and in relation to other people. It’s founded in self-awareness, knowing who you are and what you stand for. Because you value yourself and the brand you represent, you always try to connect with other people in a way that shows that you also value them. Value begets value. You wait for them to finish speaking before sharing your own ideas. You return a phone call because you said you would. You always say thank you when someone does something nice to you.This means you respect and value other people.When you respect others, you attract respect and this makes you feel valuable translating to a great feeling of worthiness.

When you’re secure in who you are, you don’t need to force other people to listen to you or to humiliate them. You’ll always choose to act in kindness. You’re not going to scream at the customer service representative. You’re not going to write a complaint letter full of curse words. You’re going to act according to how you would also like to be treated. Respect earns respect.The respect you earn boosts your morale and confidence.

Exercising etiquette shows emotional intelligence and maturity. You know how to step back and let a pregnant woman go ahead of you in a lift. You know you can wait for the next one because your goal is not instant gratification but the welfare of another human being. You’re looking out for what’s best for others because what’s good for them ultimately results in something good for you, too. The feel-good feeling in your heart is not random or

coincidental. It’s a direct consequence of the respect you give other people. The feel good feeling is a good motivator. Motivation and encouragement is key for a person’s wellbeing.

What applies to society at large also applies to smaller environments. Etiquette still has a place in the world of business. When you behave well towards your superiors, subordinates, colleagues, clients, etc, you establish a network of relationships founded on mutual respect. Imagine how wonderful that would be overall, if everybody in business and entrepreneurship acted towards each other in a respectful manner. So many issues could be easily resolved. Less graft and corruption. Less customer complaints. Less lies in advertising. Less delays. Etc. Translating to less stress, less anger , less feelings of betrayal and less thoughts of giving up.

It’s a good thing that etiquette is something that everyone can learn. You can never be too old to learn how to behave kindly and honourably towards another human being. All it takes is your will and a firm commitment to do so. The rest should come easy because etiquette, in its most basic conception, is simply about treating others the way you’d like to be treated.


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