Torn between relaxed or natural hair? Just do you!2 min read

Torn between relaxed or natural hair? Just do you!

Before the natural hair movement changed how we perceived our African hair, I was already fed up with the hair thinning from regularly relaxing and the long hours under the hairdryer.

I quickly jumped on the bandwagon, cut off my hair, and began growing it natural. Now that is fully grown, I nowadays find my 4c hair difficult to maintain, and as a result, I have been re-thinking my decision.

Like me, many black women are struggling with the decision to return to a relaxer for fear of being judged by the ‘naturalistas.’ But in as much as we are blessed with beautiful, textured curls, they require extra money, hours of maintenance, and patience oftentimes runs out.

Luckily for both parties, there is a lot of information regarding the maintenance of both natural and relaxed hair, unlike the old days.

Tips for healthy relaxed hair

  • After previously relaxing your hair, relax only your roots to avoid over weakening it. Also, take regular breaks from relaxers to prevent damage.
  • Avoid hairstyles that involve too much heat.
  • Safeguard your hair with protective hairstyles that are not too tight as they can cause hair breakage.
  • Moisturize regularly and never sleep without a silk bonnet or scarf on to keep your hair moisturized.
  • Trim your ends for healthy long hair.

For the ‘naturalistas’, taking care of the kinky hair is not a walk in the park, but these tips will guarantee a healthy natural mane.

  • Avoid the hairdryer. Afro kinky hair can seem really fragile and so applying heat to it can be damaging. A better option would be to let it air dry after moisturizing it.
  • Oil your hair regularly to keep it healthy.
  • Eat healthy meals. Nutritious meals rich in low-fat proteins, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains will give you a healthy mane.
  • The satin scarf or bonnet. These keep your hair from drying and tangling while you sleep. Also, on days when your curls fail to cooperate, just throw on a head wrap and it will add to your personal flair.

Embracing our natural hair is a good thing, but some simply prefer the manageability and the various options of hairstyles that the relaxer provides. So whatever decision you make, do not feel guilty for trying out what works for you.

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