Go for what you believe God is leading you to do4 min read

In the busy streets of Kampala, a beautiful mama, stood heavy ready to release what would be magnificent baby girl ready to embrace the world. How long will it be, will I raise my child with all the hustles and bustles going on in this universe? Well she wanted the best for her baby and did her best to take her through the best schools she knew best; before life could blossom to its fullest, she was hit with what was then the most scary disease AIDS , oh how I was tortured mentally and physically, starting a life without the sole joy I knew. It was tough but I had to dust off and pick up the pieces and face life as it came. Well now was a time to get to know my father who had chosen to bless the world with a multitude of children, reality hit as I had to forcefully fit into a mould created, and I moved from grace to grass, life had to change, it was not long before my father succumbed to the deadly disease to, oh how the 90’s left many children parentless but life had to move on.

Now the next chapter of my life was to fit wherever life placed me. My maternal uncle was gracious enough to have me be part of his family, God bless him; he took care of me as his own, however, life was tough, I relied on my Father above to take me through every situation, He is a God of wonder, I had chosen to rely on Him at an early age and indeed He was seeing me through every moment, holding my hand. Life had its way.

My education was most affected from losing Parents to life as it comes, I endured whatever came my way, life was really tough. I was forced to take on a B.A with Education at Makerere University; I was okay with it then because it was in Literature and English, subjects I enjoyed. However, I did the course to please my caretakers, my graduation was so dramatic but it happened.

The moment I completed my university, I got married and moved to Kigali Rwanda. Everything was new, from a new country to call home to marriage. Change is always inevitable in life.

It was a tough start in Rwanda with my husband desiring that I get a job in a school but that was far from me. I never ever wanted or looked forward to teaching. I searched for a job in a bank and got one in KCB Bank, it was fulfilling.

Now the blessings of God come with sacrifices, I started having babies; after giving birth to baby number 2, educating them the best way I could was my priority, so the search for schools was the major factor then, schools were either so good but expensive or with indiscipline as their best, I was looking for an all rounded school, emotionally, socially, physically and academically sound, I could not find one. We had gone through school with rote learning and this is not what I desired, I needed a child centered education preparing children for life not preparing children to look for jobs.

Well since it was not possible, I had to find a solution, resigning my job was the first step, it was so tough moving from being financially independent to relying on my husband, ooooohhhh, it was tough but it was a season in life. Through a friend, we found out about the ACE [Accelerated Christian Education] curriculum, it was the best decision I made, I had to learn about it and train preparing myself for the children’s education. By the time I started, I was surely ready to homeschool.

It has been a hard journey but worth it all the way because the fruits are visible, I did not make a mistake. However I needed to be financially supportive to my family, I had to find something that I would enjoy and would not take my time from the children, I needed to beat all odds in every way. I tried many businesses from selling children’s clothes to making snacks for schools; Well after a while, I found something I loved to do and turned it into a business. I loved baking for my children, celebrated them always and my friends appreciated and they me asked to start baking for them. I was glad they trusted me with their occasions even when I believed I was an amateur. I looked down at what I did but they believed in me. That’s how The Cakery Kgl started.

As I look back at where I am, with my children, my business and the household at large, I appreciate where God has taken me and where He is leading me. All credit goes to my God, my husband and my children.

Children are a GIFT from God; He will guide you on how to raise them His way if you trust Him.

Go for what you believe god is leading you to do, doubt is an enemy, do not look at the capital being too little, START.

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