A Call For A Collaborative Approach In Fight Against GBV2 min read

Violence against women & girls is the most pervasive human rights violation globally. climate
For the past five years, Rwanda has been no exception.

As the wave of the shocking spread of the Corona virus hit hard, initiating lockdowns, restricting movement and isolation were inevitable. A breading ground for all forms of violence against women and girls, particularly domestic violence. Today, as the country continues to cope with the new normal, the scars from the COVID19 pandemic remain evident and the need grave.

As we draw close to the annual 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence, Masozera Africa is joining efforts with Rwanda’s Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion, survivors, activists, decision-makers, and everyone taking action to put an to the Vice.

This year’s national theme; “Unite. For a Nation free from Violence”, calls for increased awareness, solidarity and collaborative efforts to end violence against women and girls. It also beckons the need for different stakeholders to understand their contribution in combating gender based violence (GBV), Defilement and reduction of teen pregnancy.

Despite present efforts from various activists and organizations, GBV remains an underlying and pressing challenge heightened by the effects of climate change, conflict and economic instability, leaving Women and girls most vulnerable to all forms of violence; rape, harassment, domestic abuse among others.

While speaking in preparation for this year’s 16 days of activism, Hon. Dr. Bayisenge Jeanette, Rwanda’s Minister of Gender and Family Promotion called on all individuals to play their role in cubing down this global ‘pandemic’;

“We’re inviting you to take action to end violence against women and girls” She said.

Every act, small or big counts!

Violence against women and girls may be the deadliest, most tragic pandemic globally. One in three women worldwide is directly exposed to violence and every 11 minutes, a woman is killed by a partner or family member. In 2021, almost 1 in 5 women aged 20-24 were married before turning 18 and less than 40 per cent of women who experience violence seek any form of help.

The 16 days of activism will be launched in Nyamasheke District in Kagano Sector on 25th November 2022. The launch will be preceded by the GBV clinics and the identification of couples in informal unions to be legalized during 16 days of activism.


To learn more about how you can be involved during #16DaysOfActivism , Connect with MIGEPROF;
2560 (toll free)

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