Wellness Through The Eyes Of African Women – Ambassador Judyth Nsababera2 min read

Name: Ambassador Judyth Nsababera

Role: Uganda’s Consul General in Guangzhou, China

QN: What does wellness mean to you as an African woman? Do you prioritise it? If yes, how?

Wellness has had different meanings for me at different stages in my life. When I was younger I was serious about sports because it allowed me to focus my energy on physical activity and away from the negativity that surrounded me. But I did sports without really knowing that it was a means of survival or a goal to overall wellness . I just got really good at it and did it professionally.
Then later on wellness meant how I looked in the clothes I wore. but right now as a mother it means balance of mind, body and spirituality which has ultimately brought me contentment.

Yes i definitely prioritize wellness. I have a partner and beads around my waist to remind me when I am slacking

QN: Any wellness practices passed down to you that you are keen on passing on yourself?

I had never looked at prayer as a wellness practice before probably because I never really knew how to pray. As a Catholic I was good at reciting prayers but if I was ever asked to say a prayer I run short of words but now I do and I think if there is any practice I would pass on it would be prayer. It is free and easy to access and when done properly it offers significant comfort.

QN: What has been your biggest lesson/realisation about wellness?

My biggest realization about wellness is that it is an action and not a state or being. One must continually work on it.



Ambassador Judyth Nsababera – Uganda’s Consul General in Guangzhou, China


Ambassador Judyth Nsababera, currently Uganda’s Consul General in Guangzhou, China is a highly collaborative and diplomatic global-level project operations leader, and organizational change professional with 13+ years of experience, including 8 years in providing program leadership and building political & economic partnerships, to drive successful public health and other community outreach initiatives from inception to completion.

Recently as the Executive Producer and Director of About Face Films she continues her work of bringing to light the need to increase women participation at all level of peace processes globally. she has worked closely with Heads of Government, Military and Police Advisors to achieve women engagement at high levels. She closely worked with African and United Nations Leadership to improve policies on recruitment and retention of women in leadership. She is a graduate of Columbia and Harvard University and she is an avid Muay Thai boxer.




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