Wellness Through The Eyes Of African Women- Ms. Aline Umutoni4 min read

Name: Ms. Aline Umutoni
Role: Director General- Family Promotion & Child Protection Ministry of Gender & Family Promotion

QN: What does financial wellness mean to you ?

Women as human beings have the right to enjoy life in its fullness. However, due to our role in the society, we tend to care more for others and neglect our wellbeing or to consider few aspects of our lives and don’t see our wellbeing in its fullness.
In fact, a well-balanced life considers life in its entirety and understand the significance of promoting the wellbeing of each and every aspect of life. With this I mean: Career and Work, Money and Finance, Health and Fitness, Fun and Recreation, Environment, Community, Social (Family and Friends), Love life.
Today, I will be speaking about the Financial Wellness. Can we say we have a balanced life when our pockets are empty? I personally would say no, in fact, that is the part of life where I would feel unwell.
In financial wellness, there are few checkboxes to visualize for one to feel financially healthy:
– Having the ability to earn
– Having the ability to spend
– Having the ability to save (make savings)
– Having the ability to invest.
If these boxes are checked, at least the first 3, you are good to go.

QN: Are you currently prioritizing your well being? Why? If Yes, how?

Personally YES, I am a career woman, always thinking on making use of my competences and efforts to serve my employer and our service users and earn in return.
Beside work, I prioritize time spent with my family and friends. With my earnings, I don’t only keep that, I use this to carter for myself and my family by paying bills, make sure I am well health wise, be able to participate and financially contribute to social gatherings (Eg: family and friend’s marriages,), prioritize self-care (eg: paying for a massage) and time to rest, spend on recreational activities for my son and me.
I also value building a strong support system around me.

On the other hand, I have also an entrepreneurial mindset, thinking of where I want to be in the next 5, 10 years, how about being my own boss, … making savings for uncertain times as well as my future investments.
It is a journey; I can’t say that I am already there but I am getting there

QN: What can we do to make wellness a priority?

If we could all understand this concept, considered to be new in our context, I believe we can be happier, healthier and enjoy life in its total fullness.
It is quite challenging given the African/ Rwandan context however very possible.

These days, women are becoming more aware of what jobs they do or want to do, what they eat (healthy lifestyle), the image they portray (clothing and make-up) and the contribution of all this in their lives.

I see Awareness and education sessions on Women wellness having an impact in the long run.
To continue sustaining the first results of the awareness and education sessions, there will be a need of grouping people into support groups (circles of trust) to keep encouraging each other and uplifting one-another as well as having role models, women to look up to, who have been there before to share their journey and successes.

I personally thank Masozera Africa to have made this valuable first step towards Women Wellness and I wish to every woman a healthy and fulfilled life.



Ms. Aline Umuton – Director General- Family Promotion & Child Protection Ministry of Gender & Family Promotion


Mrs Aline Umutoni is currently serving in the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion as the Director General of Family Promotion and Child Protection.

She is a Gender equality advocate, strong believer that the family constitutes the foundation of the Rwandan society.

She is experienced in Project management and has been involved in projects operating in the areas of employment promotion, stakeholders engagement, women’s economic empowerment, street children reintegration into their families and career guidance.

She has worked with Local and International NGOs, Public Institutions and the Private Sector.

She has successfully worked in capacity development for Youth, adults and women in particular and ensured effective knowledge transfer towards social-economic positive change.

Aline is a Social Worker by profession, a people’s person passionate about their personal and professional wellbeing and development.

She holds a Master’s degree in Gender and Development, a Post graduate certificate in Professional Counselling and a Bachelor’s Degree in Social work.



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