Wellness Through The Eyes Of African Women – Ms Arese Agwu3 min read

Name: Ms Arese Agwu

Role: Author & Producer, The Smart Money Woman

QN: What does wellness mean to you as an African woman? Do you prioritise it? If yes, how?

Wellness for an African Woman represents keeping your sanity in the midst of chaos. Finding ways to stay in control inspite of uncertainty. The world demands so much from us as African women. Balancing being a mother, employer, sister, daughter, friend can be tasking. I definitely prioritize wellness. When my soul is happy and I have clarity I can do more for myself and others.

When it comes to financial wellness it’s obvious that African women need to prioritize this because we are often the most vulnerable financially when life happens.. whether via death, divorce, unemployment etc.

QN: Any financial wellness practices passed down to you that you are keen on passing on yourself?

I have regular money dates with myself. spending time figuring out whether i’m on track with my budget, checking in with my investment portfolio and examining problem areas ultimately give me clarity and help me stay in control of my finances. When things are great and when things are terrible.

QN: What has been your biggest lesson/realisation about financial wellness?

Financial wellness for me looks like having budget that reflects my values and the things I care about the most, a well managed debt to income ratio, a diversified investment portfolio that generates a healthy passive income and a solid emergency fund.

My biggest realization has been understanding that it’s not about how much you earn but how much you can keep and grow.



Ms Arese Agwu – Author & Producer, The Smart Money Woman

Arese has started a movement for African millennial women which has them excited about making smart money decisions.
Following her background in wealth management and her interest in storytelling, she has created media products which spark conversations about investment, wealth, entrepreneurship and employment.

After two Best Selling Books and a wildly successful Pan African book tour, Arese went on to Produce the Hit Netflix Series, The Smart Money Woman. Through her work, she has built strong relatable characters which depict the daily financial struggles of the modern African woman and practical strategies for building wealth in an African Context.

For years many money management platforms have excluded topical financial issues that specifically affect the modern African woman, Arese’s savvy media products not only breaks down financial jargon but also connects relevant financial products to the right audience. She has worked with some of Africa’s biggest brands including; Standard Chartered, GTBank, First Bank, Mastercard, Unilever, Bamboo etc.

She is the host of the Smart Money Tribe Podcast which went to number one, in the first week of its release, on Apple’s Top Shows Podcast List. Arese has also spoken at and been featured on premium international platforms such as CNN.com, Bloomberg and Forbes Africa. In 2021, she was recognised as one of the Most Influential People of African Descent (MIPAD).
Arese is an independent director for Africa’s Largest Indigenous Make-up Brand House of Tara International and an advisory Board Member for TW Magazine.
She holds an MSc in Economic Development from University College London (UCL) and a BSc in Business and Management from Aston Business School, Birmingham. She is also an alumna of the Lagos Business School, INSEAD Abu Dhabi, and The London School of Business executive education programs.

Arese remains focused on creating TV shows and media products that break down financial barriers for African Women.



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