Wellness Through The Eyes Of African Women- Ms. Busi Selesho4 min read

Name: Ms. Busi Selesho

Role: Internationally Accredited Money Coach

QN: What does wellness mean to you ?

For me, wellness means a lot of things. Especially because I work with a lot of people that I help in wellness; financial wellness, spiritual wellness and, that affects a lot of the mental issues. When we do not take care of our selves, that affects us. Personally, that is one of the big things that I focus on the most in my life.
I am very prone to depression. There are actually few people in my family who passed on because of depression and I have learnt from that. I have learnt that taking care of me is the most important thing to focus on because I can’t give what I don’t have. I have routines that I have embedded on in my life that are consistent. They are like the first things or last things I do before my day begins or ends.

a) I do meditation to forgive my self for the things that I think I have not done correct in the day. Some times you have a list of things you said you are going to do and may not have done them at the end of the day. I take time every day and I forgive my self for that.
b) I also take time and thank my self for the stuff that is done. This is because there are a lot of things that we do but we don’t take off time to actually acknowledge our efforts.
So to me, generally wellness means taking care of my self and coming back to the place of always reflecting.

QN: Are you currently prioritizing your well being? Why? If Yes, how?

To me, meditation is the biggest factor. It’s the last thing I do before I go to bed. I meditate and the same applies to mornings. The morning meditation helps prepare for the day since I am supposed to be meeting my clients and so many more. I always need healing energy to give to the people around me because I am an ‘energy healer’. The evening meditations are more for me.

I also do a lot of walking. Since last year I started playing golf, so I make sure that every time i am in the golf course am walking. Every time i have a golf game coming up, I walk up to about 12 km in advance. And I do that about twice a week, sometimes 3 or 4. That helps me maintain my weight, fitness and mental health. You know golf courses are places with rivers and nice green and that is a good environment that makes me feel good about myself.

So, I take care of myself in the following ways;

b)Walking and doing something that I love which is golf.

QN: What can we do to make wellness a priority?

We need to keep reminding each other. You know when you’re a woman you have children, a job, a partner and so much more on your plate. Issues are so much that you even forget to take care of yourself. I can relate because I have been in such a place. If a friend calls you, ask them if they have been remembering to take care of themselves.

I always remind my clients to take care of themselves. We can even use our social media as channels, for example “take care of your self” as a post can have an impact.

Thank you so much so much Masozera Africa, I hope this year your work goes an extra.



Ms. Busi Selesho – Internationally Accredited Money Coach


Busi Selesho is an Internationally Accredited Money Coach listed as one of the Top 100 Most Influential Young South Africans in 2017 by Avance Media & an Award Winning, International Bestselling Author of Money and Black People, among others.


She teaches her clients about the energy of money, how to connect with money on an emotional level, clear money blocks & allow money to flow in their lives plus how to get unstuck and achieve the things they want in life.

Busi runs a Coaching Firm called “ODEL Coaching” that helps businesses and organizations to take care of their most valuable asset & people through money coaching, emotional intelligence, career change, financial wellness, money meditation and emotional wellness.

She is an entrepreneur, the CEO of Isipho Sempilo HSE Solutions, the Founder of Money Breakfast where she hosts seminars and workshops on money consciousness, money energy, how-to-get-out-of-debt energy, and having a better relationship with money.




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