Wellness Through The Eyes Of African Women- Ms. Eleanor Nabwiso2 min read

Name: Ms. Eleanor Nabwiso
Role: Ugandan actress, producer, director and television personality

QN: What does wellness mean to you ?

As an African woman, wellness to me comes to mind in many forms. It means being able to keep healthy and mostly able to have what I need as a woman especially physically, mentally and most importantly financially.

QN: Are you currently prioritizing your well being? Why? If Yes, how?

Yes, I am currently prioritizing my well-being. I am a working mother of four and my first consideration to a perfect wellbeing, is keeping healthy so I work out a lot and live on a good diet. With this, am able to keep on my feet to make sure my company is running. As a company director, I am able to be in charge of my financial well being. Self employment has helped me to realize that as an African woman, I can control and take charge of my financial well-being and still manage my family and marriage.This has kept my emotional well-being at a top notch because I manage my time well as a mother and my own boss.

QN: How can film platforms contribute to wellness?

Film would definitely create awareness about wellness. As Nabwiso films, our vision is to “change people’s lives through film”.

That’s why most of our movies do not only entertain but also educate and inform.

We use film to air topics that are deemed as the “unspoken secrets of societies”.

Like our movie rain is about HIV/AIDS, Bed of thorns is about “gender based violence”, prickly roses is about low wages for women in the work spaces, the series hashtag family is about family values, the short film “my day” is about human trafficking… the list is endless.

Film gives us the freedom of speech and expression and am glad we have sparked off discussions of change in communities using film.



Ms.Eleanor Nabwiso – Ugandan actress, producer, director and television personality


Eleanor Vaal Nansibo Nabwiso is a Ugandan actress, producer, director and Television Personality. She is well known for he famous work on “The Hostel”, “Rain”, “Beneath the Lies- The series” and “Bed of thorns” as the director.

She has won multiple awards like, The Best Actress in TV Drama in the Uganda Film Festival Award and was nominated & won the London Arthouse Film Festivale Award, Africa Focus Award for Best Feature Film, both for the film “Bed of thorns”.

Eleanor owns a Production company called “Nabwiso Films” , which she set up together with her husband Matthew Nabwiso.




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