Wellness Through The Eyes Of African Women- Ms. Emmy Kosgei4 min read

Name: Ms. Emmy Kosgei

Role: : Kenyan Gospel Singer

QN: What does wellness mean to you ?

To me, wellness means everything! The kind of environment and work we are exposed to as African women, not many things are made so easy for us. I believe that wellness of a woman includes  mental, spiritual and  physical which  means everything because it determines your stability, strength and how far you can go. You know when you’re not in the right state of wellness mentally, physically and spiritually, you can’t deliver.  It is so hard to even do the normal chores as an African woman. So, being in a position where a lot is expected from you, if you’re not well, it’s impossible to do what you are supposed to do. In order to be able to positively impact the people around you, YOU need to be functioning well.

QN: Are you currently prioritizing your well being? Why? If Yes, how?

Currently I do prioritize my well being. In fact, after I  reached the age of 40, I realized that there is a lot to life.  I started being sensitive to my self and started seeing things differently.  I now practice taking things easy, I don’t strain my self or push my self too hard but most importantly I do prioritize my health.

I do body checkups, make sure I exercise and I am in position to be extra sensitive to my own well-being.

I also go to the gym and I love swimming.

I pray a lot and read the word of GOD.
Inspiring women around me to do the same is also a big part of it, which includes those that I mentor. I emphasize the same thing (wellness) because they need to understand that they can not be the best of them selves if they aren’t well.

So, my well being now is a priority! I am careful with even what I eat.  There are so many consequences for being careless when it comes to wellness including especially not minding what one eats.

When I travel, I make sure I don’t have room for toxic thoughts, behavior,  environment and friends. I try as much as possible to make sure I am around people who bring positivity to my life. Being a musician, preacher and many other things/ roles that I play in the society, I am more sensitive to the fact that if my well being is not prioritized, then I can’t be productive and hence I’ll not be of help to those around me.

QN: What can we do to make women wellness a priority.

Sensitization is one of the ways we can make women wellness a priority. We need to sensitize women to know the importance of wellness. We give a lot, we do a lot, support many people, give our selves away a lot but forget about our selves completely that by the time our bodies demand good feeling, we won’t even agree to it because of how much we are used to giving.

So, there is need for awareness. We should consciously create awareness among the women to prioritize their wellness in all spheres, all sectors, all phases, all dimensions and in every category that women are involved in. We can do this through forums, music and also policies. These policies should be in position to help women take a break and time to take care of themselves as well. The policies should also be able to give them a better working environment that doesn’t put them under pressure.

Awareness would emphasize symptoms and signs of when a women’s wellness is in question. This can be done even through our personal influential platforms like social media. In today’s generation, there are a lot of opportunities we can access and use as resources and channels to spread the wellness information. It has even become easy to access most categories of women we want to reach out to.

Wellness is a priority, not an after thought. Wellness is wealth!



Ms. Emmy Kosgei – Kenyan Gospel Singer

Emmy Kosgei is a celebrated artist whose craft redefined gospel music in Kenya. The veteran gospel artist was born into a strong Christian family which helped shape her Christian life and path. Her flamboyant music career has won her the Head of State Commendation award. She is also an awardee of the Best International Gospel Act, from the UK Black Entertainment, Film, Fashion, Television and Arts awards in 2013. Emmy Kosgei runs the Emmy K House of Fashion and Label. She is the type who chooses to walk the talk.

Emmy Kosgei is also the Kenyan ambassador for Tourism, Culture for Kenya.

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