Wellness Through The Eyes Of African Women- Ms. Flora Kaitesi4 min read

Name: Ms. Flora Kaitesi
Role: Communications Expert & Art Aficionado

QN: What does wellness mean to you ?

To do justice to this question requires me to first just put it out there that African women need awareness on wellness. I think as African women, we are so deprived of information on wellness and many times we have talked ourselves into believing that we do not deserve it. Heck, societal norms have deceived us into believing that we are only designed to bend over backwards to maintain homes, look after children, please husbands. For me, as an African woman, the first step to wellness is embracing the fact that I deserve it; mind, body and soul. I deserve to have peace, I deserve to pamper myself or be pampered, I deserve better health care mentally and physically, I deserve time for myself, I deserve the things I love to do outside the normal routines of work and family, I deserve to thrive. The second step is to then make deliberate choices and proactively pursue a wellness routine. By the way, it can be something as simple as choosing to eat healthy and look after your body but it can also be making decisions like distancing yourself from negative people and situations.

QN: Are you currently prioritizing your well being? Why? If Yes, how?

I don’t think I’m doing enough. But I know for sure that I do try, no matter how hard it is. I am very much aware of the fact that that I need to look after my body, for my sake and for my children’s sake, because you are the by-product of what you put into your body. So, this is important for me. I also try to take care of my mental health and I have been surprised by the fact that much of what I have been able to put to rest or confront has been the result of conscious decision making and this has had some quite positive impact on my mental health. Deciding to choose peace over meaningless battles, choosing my fights, finding the silver lining in impossible situations, enjoying quiet time with myself and most of all seeking spiritual nourishment, but one thing I haven’t tried is meditation (laughs).

QN: What can we do to make wellness a priority?

There is really a lot that can be done, but I strongly believe that the onus is on us as women. We shouldn’t wait for someone to prioritize wellness on our behalf. If we can allow ourselves to be burdened by managing stress caused by external factors within our control then I think we can allow ourselves a little bit of TLC (Tender Loving Care). We should be bold enough to seek wellness for ourselves, proactively. This is multifaceted. For example, we as women should really prioritize our health. I can’t emphasize this enough, its about making that appointment with your OBGYN, squeezing in that 30 minutes of meditation, yoga or some other exercise of your choice, it’s about performing a self exam to check for any lumps in the breast; small actions that carry a huge impact. In addition, women’s health and access to women’s health should not be a topic to debate. Women should be able to access health care without jumping hurdles and health care providers should treat women with respect across the board. As women, we must refuse to be held hostage or bound in toxic relationships and situationships that negatively impact our mental health; whether friendships, platonic relationships or romantic ones. We must muster the courage to walk away from these relationships, distance ourselves from negativity and seek relationships that help us to thrive and be our best selves. So, again, it begins with us; women.



Ms. Flora Kaitesi – Communications Expert & Art Aficionado



Writing, Developing creative concepts and translating them into tangible events or products is Flora’s true passion and largely part of her current occupation.

A journalist by profession, Flora has over 9 years experience in journalistic work in radio and television; producing high quality content, sharp interviews and TV shows. She has also led news teams in Rwanda’s biggest newsroom.

A lover of art, Flora enjoys a good laugh, theatre, dance and travel.




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