Wellness Through The Eyes Of African Women – Ms Gloria Ingabire3 min read

Name: Ms Gloria Ingabire

Role: Public Relations & Branding – AOS Ltd

QN: What does wellness mean to you as an African woman? Do you prioritise it? If yes, how?

Wellness can mean different things to different people, but generally, it describes a condition of being in good physical, mental, emotional health. Personally, wellness include things like exercise, healthy eating, sufficient rest, prayer and meditation, engaging in hobbies/ activities that bring me joy, and nurturing meaningful relationships with family and friends.

Yes, I do try to prioritize it though at times it’s challenging. One of the many ways (mentioned earlier in activities I consider) I do in my wellness is by setting specific goals and create a plan to achieve them. For example, I commit to exercising at least twice a week, I schedule regular time with friends and family to help me stay connected and fulfilled. I also consider practices like mindfulness, gratitude, and prayer.

QN: Any wellness practices passed down to you that you are keen on passing on yourself?

Prayer and meditation are one of the practices that were passed down to me. I grew up in a prayerful family. My parents took us to church often, and this was passed on to me and I’ve held on to it till present.

This might seem obvious, but prayer and meditation has been one of the ways that has helped in reducing anxiety and staying calm in response to negative events that at times require putting off wrongdoings. Besides, I believe prayer & meditation reality is far greater than I sometimes imagine, it gives me ability to act right & considerate towards others and to the society in general; and this is a key value in the community including our workplace.

Devotions have enhanced me to have unique values to live with people from diverse backgrounds, opinions, etc hence managing personal traits that would otherwise not be appropriate. As I take time to meditate, I am able to make thoughtful decisions, stay calm and try to live a reasonable life that in turn benefits my emotional well-being and overall wellness.

QN: What has been your biggest lesson/realisation about wellness?

Well, I’ve realized that I cannot accomplish nor be productive if my wellness is not well. I believe that there’s a fundamental connection between my well-being and the ability to perform well in all aspects. Physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual health have been among my key factors in leading me to towards success, productivity, and overall satisfaction.

Neglecting my well-being in the pursuit of professional success or any other kind of accomplishment can lead to negative consequences in the long run. I know It’s easy to fall into the trap of working long hours, skipping meals, and neglecting exercise in the name of productivity. However, I think this approach can ultimately be disadvantageous and lead to burnout, exhaustion, and a decline in performance.

Instead, prioritizing well-being can actually enhance the ability to succeed and be productive. When we take care of ourselves, we have more energy, focus, tranquility, and creativity to perform certain things. We are better able to manage stress, make sound decisions, and maintain a positive attitude even in challenging circumstances.



Ms Gloria Ingabire – Public Relations & Branding – AOS Ltd

Gloria Ingabire is young Rwandan lady, currently working for AOS Ltd Rwanda. She is a multi-faceted individual with a diverse range of interests and passions like praying & meditation. In her free time, she enjoys staying active through exercise and sports like swimming, basketball, and tennis. She is also a lover of art, music, reading and photography, and enjoys traveling and exploring new adventures. Gloria values the importance of nurturing meaningful relationships with family and friends, and finds joy in sharing her experiences with others. She is always looking for new ways to learn and grow and is committed to making a positive impact in both her personal and professional life.




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