Wellness Through The Eyes Of African Women- Ms. Iris Irumva2 min read

Name: Ms. Iris Irumva

Role: : CEO Lead Access

QN: What does wellness mean to you ?

I see wellness as a journey of awareness and practice of healthy habits for the body, mind and soul. I refer to wellness as a “journey” because it’s a day-by-day process and every day I find new ways to practice or incorporate a new activity in my busy schedule. A happy and a peaceful state of mind are my measurement tools – there is no wellness without these two.

QN: Are you currently prioritizing your well being? Why? If Yes, how?

Honestly my own wellbeing is a second priority. As an entrepreneur, leader, and mother, my first priority is often the wellbeing of the people around me. It genuinely brings me joy although it comes with a price to pay. I have a tendency of being a fixer, and operating in a fast and serious mode.
But I love that my body sends me signals whenever I cross the boundaries of what my body and brain can take.
I used to be stubborn and not listen to my body but now I trust the process that my body knows best when it’s time to pause. I actually take more small breaks than I used to do, and find time to enjoy my own company while journaling.

QN: What can we do to make wellness a priority?

“If you don’t take care of your wellness, you will be forced to make time for your illness” This quote from Joyce Sudana should inspire us to change our perspective on how we prioritize our wellbeing. Coming from a culture where wellness is viewed as a luxury, I believe raising awareness on the importance of wellness can create a mindset shift. I insist that women in leadership positions should be role models of wellness, share experiences to help young women understand that they can succeed without losing themselves in the process. We must also dismantle the belief that women need to take care of everyone else before themselves. Taking care of ourselves first is the best way to teach others how to take care of us.



Iris Irumva – CEO Lead Access


Iris Irumva is a Business Strategist, who leads by finding out what makes people sparkle at work to achieve personal and business success. She worked in senior roles for Telecel Globe, International Organization for Migration and most recently for ITM Africa as the Managing Director for Rwanda and East Africa, before founding “Lead Access”, a coaching firm with the mission to empower leaders at all levels.

Ms. Iris holds an MBA in Human Resources from Oklahoma Christian University (USA). She is a leadership & career coach and highly sought-after youth and women mentor.


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