Wellness Through The Eyes Of African Women – Ms Kemi Adekoya2 min read

Name: Ms Kemi Adekoya

Role: Project Manager

QN: What does wellness mean to you as an African woman? Do you prioritize it? If yes, how?

As an African woman, wellness is a concept that involves physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. It involves embracing cultural values, traditions and beliefs that promote health and wellbeing. This involves maintaining a sense of community, respecting elders and prioritizing family and relationships.

QN: Any wellness practices passed down to you that you are keen on passing on yourself?

Wellness practices that I am keen on passing on:

  1. Physical – Maintaining a healthy diet, exercising and carrying out routine medical checkup
  2. Mental Health – Managing stress and anxiety. It involves seeking support from friends, family or a professional when required
  3. Emotional – Nurturing positive relationships, building a support system and practicing self-care. Managing emotions and expressing them in healthy ways
  4. Spiritual – Connecting with a higher power, practicing spirituality and finding meaning and purpose in life.

QN: What has been your biggest lesson/ realization about wellness?

Prioritizing self-care and taking time for oneself regularly and building strong relationships and connections



Ms Kemi Adekoya – Project Manager

Kemi Adekoya is an African woman passionate about African women!

Born in Lagos, Nigeria and proud of her roots. Growing up, she enjoyed spending time outdoors, exploring new places and discovering new things. She was always curious and eager to learn, which has helped her throughout her life.

After completing high school in Nigeria, she travelled to the United Kingdom to pursue her education in Engineering. During her time at University, she developed my passion for logic and organization, which led her to pursue a career with those skills.

In her free time, she enjoy reading, fashion and culinary to relax and recharge. She enjoys travelling and spending time with family and friends. She believes in being true to herself and striving to live life with integrity and authenticity.

Kemi is a good listener who enjoys engaging in thought conversations with others. She is also a problem solver who enjoys finding creative solutions to challenges. She believe that with hard work, dedication and a positive attitude, the world is my oyster

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