Wellness Through The Eyes Of African Women- Ms. Mabusang Malotane5 min read

Name: Ms. Mabusang Malotane
Role: Project Director, Shai Boi Project Management

QN: What does wellness mean to you ?

Wellness is a state of well being that incorporates physical, mental and social factors. Wellness is a multifaceted active process that culminates in successful and fulfilling life, health in itself.

Wellness is an active process, it is a conscious, self-directed and continuous process of towards achieving your full potentials as individuals.

Wellness is the pursuit of a positive and affirming life.

Wellness is taking into account multiple components of a healthy lifestyle; spiritual well-being, mental well-being, and environmental physical, psychological, social, and economical etc… while still showing up for your family, community, place of worship, workplace and other settings.

We often confuse health and wellness. Making a distinction between health and wellness may seem daunting, but for me, I see health as a state of being, and wellness, a state of actively living a lifestyle that helps to attain and maintain good health.

QN: Are you currently prioritizing your well being? Why? If Yes, how?

Yes. Last year I experienced a health scare that left me in shock. This illness allowed me to revisit my wellness regime. While the literal journey forced me to focus on my diet, the most important journey for me was the figurative one I’ve been on since then. The one that started from an incredibly broken place of anxiety, stress, and tears.

During and after that episode, I felt vulnerable. My world was shaken. I felt like someone could have put their hand on my head and it would have crumbled to dust. I would carry out the same everyday tasks as I usually did, yet I felt very afraid.
I decided to put the pieces back together and find a way to work through what I was facing.
As they say, “google is your friend”. I went to Dr. Google and found a few self help books and apps. Google searches showed me that journaling therapy offers plenty of people numerous benefits like improving clarity, regulating emotions, working through conflicts, and improving your overall quality of life.

In the past, I only saw a therapist for years which helped me, but slowly I started introducing more healthy habits. I also turned to other method in my moments of need: yoga, pilates and Journaling.

Yoga helped Me Rebuild My Life— it allowed me to shut the world out, focus on my breathing and my physical realignment. I do a 30min session every morning just around sun rise and this allows me to get geared up for the day.

Pilates have equally played a vital role. I have a weekly session and a monthly one with a group of women. The focus id on dealing with my core, which is my physical and mentally wellness. The sessions are intense but the benefits are amazing. It helps with the glow too.

Journaling is my go-to as well. I hardly kept a journal as a teenager, when I did however, I used it to help my emotional and mental state but I really grew into it as became older.

When I started my business and became a mom, because of my crazy schedule, writing down was not feasible but I started a voice journal. This is something I do every night before I go to sleep. I voice my day, fears, sessions that made me angry and blessings I received during the day.
I then reflect after a month, on strides I made throughout the month. I have managed to remain consistent and voice journaling has allowed deal with the numbing fear of sitting with myself. I can close my eyes without the fear of the thoughts waiting under the surface.

QN: What can we do to make wellness a priority?

I am a strong believer that all women need a wellness plan. It doesn’t have to be expensive. It could be something as easy as taking a 5km run, bike ride, gardening and anything else that can heal you holistically.

Some guide for my fellow sisters on how to get started.

1. Cultivate healthy habits and be consistent
2. Check in with yourself regularly
3. Sit with yourself and face what you’re going through

You can really feel the benefits of a wellness plan when you create a regular habit. If you or someone you know is struggling with a mental health disorder, visit a local therapist for help.



Mabusang Malotane – Project Director, Shai Boi Project Management


Mabusang Malotane has extensive experience of over 14 years working in corporate South Africa (SA) in the Events and Project Management industry. She has also played a major role in the success of International and National Events/Projects.

She is the founder and CEO of Shai Boi Project Management Pty Ltd.


Mabusang is passionate about developing, maintaining, Planning and coordinating value offerings of branding, marketing and communications nature, ultimately ensuring client satisfaction and contribution to brand building.

In her current position, she fulfills her duties through Project and Campaign Management. She has managed to secure numerous key account businesses in both Corporate and Government industries.

Her career history, thus far, has awarded her with invaluable experiences that meets and exceeds the norm. She also has excellent knowledge and understanding of South African cultures, Sports and Education systems. These have made her a key player in the Event and Project Management Industry.

She has been recognized as an Aluminum Member of SAB Tholoane Foundation, Top 10 Johnnie walker strider nominee, Top Women in MICE 2019




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