Wellness Through The Eyes Of African Women – Ms Maggie Mutesi1 min read

Name: Ms Maggie Mutesi

Role: Managing Editor – Mansa Media Africa

In this exclusive Q&A Interview on WELLNESS THROUGH THE EYES OF AFRICAN WOMEN, Maggie Mutesi, the founder of Mansa media shares what wellness means to her as an African woman and how she prioritizes it.




Ms Maggie Mutesi – Managing Editor – Mansa Media Africa

With over 15 years experience working for BBC, CNBC, Euronews and regional and local media in East, West and Central Africa, Ms Mutesi has traveled, worked and reported in over 30 African countries, with a key focus on trade, investments and Oil and Gas.

While at the BBC, she was a senior Business Journalist and acting lead for BBC Africa’s daily business programming (Money Daily) in different languages (Swahili, English and French).
Prior to Founding Mansa Media, Maggie extensively covered the Africa continental free trade Agreement (AFCFTA) while working closely with th African Union and the Afrochampions Initiative (www.afrochampions.org) a private sector organization led by former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo to create awareness of the free trade agreement among Africa’s private sector. Maggie Mutesi works closely with the UN and acts as an Africa Advisor to the Global Gas centre.




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