Wellness Through The Eyes Of African Women – Ms Mapula Bodibe2 min read

Name: Ms Mapula Bodibe

Role: Executive Director, Chief Executive Officer MTN Rwandacell PLC

QN: What does wellness mean to you as an African woman? Do you prioritize it? If yes, how?

To me, the most important component of wellness is understanding yourself, your own, physical, mental, social, and spiritual needs which helps to live a balanced and content life.
I always try to prioritize wellness, but this is an ongoing effort which I don’t always get right.
Some of the practices I try to build into my daily routine to achieve this include:

  • Eating heathy and balanced meals
  • Exercising 2 to 3 times a week
  • Taking time to relax and rest during weekends
  • Spending time with my family and friends

QN: Any wellness practices passed down to you that you are keen on passing on yourself?

I started exercising during Covid, with the assistance of a training coach. The exercises he taught me helped me manage my stress levels and boost my energy levels and improve my mental health and wellbeing because of the increased serotonin levels that are released when exercising.

QN: What has been your biggest lesson/ realization about wellness?

I’ve realized that working on my wellness helps me to live a better quality of life for myself and my family, through a number of small daily practices. I’ve learnt that even if I don’t always get it right, it’s something that I should continuously try to work on. Lastly, I’ve learnt that wellness is a personal journey, there’s no right or wrong way to do it, everyone needs to do what works for them as an individual.



Ms. Mapula Bodibe -Executive Director, Chief Executive Officer MTN Rwandacell PLC

Mapula Bodibe is Chief Executive Officer at MTN Rwandacell PLC, having joined the organization at the beginning of September 2022. She’s a seasoned Telecoms specialist with 17 years’ experience in the telecommunications sector. Formerly, she has served as the Chief Consumer Officer at MTN South Africa where she led the Consumer Business Unit for over 5 years.

Formerly, she has served as the Chief Consumer Officer at MTN South Africa where she led the Consumer Business Unit for over 5 years.

She has had an illustrious career with MTN serving in various leadership roles including the Chief Marketing Officer at MTN Uganda as well as the Executive and General Manager for the Consumer Business unit at MTN South Africa. She holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree in Economics, a Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing and a Master’s in Business Administration, all from the University of South Africa.
Mapula is passionate about the development of Women in the ICT sector as well as mentoring
and coaching young women to build successful careers.




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