Wellness Through The Eyes Of African Women- Ms. Michelle Ntalami4 min read

Name: Ms. Michelle Ntalami
Role: CEO Marini Naturals

QN: What does wellness mean to you ?

Wellness means being mentally, physically, soulfully or spiritually in tune with a healthy way of life. Physically, I don’t just want to look good… I also want to feel good. For me, that calls for; exercising, eating right, keeping fit, taking care of my body and basically prioritizing my health as much as I can.

Of course somethings we have no control of, they are dictated by God; for example we have COVID 19 currently happening, that happens and we just live it to the divine. But where we can do our best to maintain our wellness, let’s consider it. Take a spa day, meditate, breath, relax, go to the gym and workout if you can, because it’s very important.

Mentally, spiritually and soulfully, mind what you allow yourself to think and feel. People are out here looking good but feeling the worst.

Personally, I have been in that place where someone looks at me and says “Wow, she looks absolutely amazing, I want to be like her”. But they don’t know that I’m so empty and crashed on the inside. This happens to all of us; whether it’s because of relationship issues, work issues, financial issues, life style issues, family issues and so much more. In general, this happens a lot and it’s normal, but you have to be able to talk to someone. Seek help, it could be therapy, friends or support groups that can be able to lift you up. It’s YOU that will find your only way to heal.

Let’s not ever judge a person by how he/she deals with pain, because every one has a different way.

I empathize and relate with people dealing with mental illnesses because I have struggled with mental health issues myself. I know how that kind of darkness feels like, when you don’t have the power to push through.

Spiritually, talk to God because He is the source of life, peace and love. He will always center and ground you. I know some days are difficult and its not seem easy to talk to him, but choose to always find a way to talk to him. I am a living testimony that HE heals.

QN: Are you currently prioritizing your well being? Why? If Yes, how?

Yes, I’m currently prioritizing my wellbeing. Physically; I work out every day, I eat right and it’s not always perfect but I try to balance my nutrients and as a very feminine woman, I love to dress and look good.

Emotionally and mentally; these days I am so strict with the energy I allow around me either with friends, partner, family or work. This is because I have noticed that not everyone has positive energy and since I am a moth that attracts flames, I need to know and mind what kind of flames I attract.

Spiritually/ soulfully; I talk/ Pray to God every single day. I also practice mindful meditation which has helped me a lot.

QN: What can we do to make wellness a priority?

I have mentioned it before. People are looking great on the outside because they work out, eat well and dress up nice but they are struggling on the inside. Women are very emotionally sensitive and we tend to take in more than we actually should and even tend to tolerate more. I would like to advise women that they actually shouldn’t hold on to anything and everything that holds them down. God is not yet done with you, thus you shouldn’t give up on yourself either.



Ms. Michelle Ntalami -CEO Marini Naturals


Michelle is an award winning Entrepreneur, Brand and Marketing Professional, Social & Digital Influencer and a Creative in every right!

She is the Founder and C.E.O of Marini Naturals, which is Africa’s Premiere full range natural haircare line. The company recently launched a Skin Care range that is flying off the shelves, a testament to Ntalami’s genius. A visionary leader who works hard to persue her dreams, she has received several awards for her pursuits, including the Forbes Africa Award. She has been included in prominent lists such as Africa Top 100 Women and Top 40 under 40 Women.

Michelle Ntalami loves to travel and enjoys visiting different places in her home  country, Kenya, and the world at large.




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