Wellness Through The Eyes Of African Women – Ms Mosun Layode2 min read

Name: Ms Mosun Layode

Role: Executive Director – African Philanthropy Forum (APF)

QN: What does wellness mean to you as an African woman?

Wellness to me is a complete state of wholeness. It is beyond being physically well. It includes my spiritual, mental and emotional wellbeing.

Do you prioritize it?

It is tough with a hectic lifestyle but I try as much as I can

If yes, how?

  • I pray, exercise and eat well
  • I listen to my body and pause when I need to
  • I spend time doing things I enjoy outside of work
  • I surround myself with things and people that give me positive energy
  • I am also learning to say no in order to prioritize my health

QN: Any wellness practices passed down to you that you are keen on passing on yourself?

Prayer, exercise, eating right and focusing on positive energy

QN:What has been your biggest lesson/ realization about wellness??

If you do not prioritize it, it will become urgent and important and that is not the place to be



Ms Mosun Layode – Executive Director African Philanthropy Forum (APF)

Mosun Layode is a development professional with two decades of experience in international development and nonprofit leadership. She currently serves as the Executive Director of the African Philanthropy Forum (APF) where she works extensively across Africa with established and emerging philanthropists who are committed to the sustainable and inclusive development of Africa.

She was instrumental to the establishment of APF as an independent entity in Africa. Prior to this, she served as the Executive Director of WIMBIZ and LEAP Africa, leading nonprofits in Nigeria. She also founded Social Runway, a nonprofit organization that supports social innovators.

Mosun studied Urban and Regional Planning at the Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria and obtained an MSc. in Environmental Resources Management from Lagos State University. She has an MBA from Lagos Business School and benefited from Executive Programs offered by the IESE Business School, Barcelona and Harvard Business School.

Mosun currently sits on nonprofit boards and recently joined the Board of Trustees of Candid, a US-based nonprofit that connects people who want to change the world to the resources they need to do it.

She was identified by Forbes as one of the black women to watch in philanthropy.





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