Wellness Through The Eyes Of African Women – Ms Reni Odetoyinbo2 min read

Name: Ms Reni Odetoyinbo

Role: Content creator, Marketing consultant & Finance coach

QN: What does financial wellness mean to you as an African woman? Do you prioritize it? If yes, how?

To me, financial wellness is financial freedom. It’s being able to meet all of my financial needs and have the choice to make decisions that I want rather than being forced into decisions and constrained by my finances. Financial wellness is having a positive relationship with money, and an abundant mindset toward it rather than being fearful of it.

I prioritize my financial wellness in a number of ways. First, by having a growth mindset and constantly learning about personal finance, applying relevant lessons to my life. Second, by having an emergency fund that I can rely on in case anything happens. Lastly, by setting and committing to a budget. This helps me control my money instead of it controlling me.

QN: Any financial wellness practices passed down to you that you are keen on passing on yourself?

A financial wellness practice that was passed down to me was investing my money. Making money work for you instead of you working for money for the rest of your life is a powerful technique that anyone can do and that has the ability to work for the rest of your life.

QN: What has been your biggest lesson/ realization about financial wellness?

My biggest realization about financial wellness is that knowledge of your finances is power. Oftentimes, we turn away from our finances and ignore them because we are scared of what we will see or are overwhelmed by them. I have found the most peace and I have achieved true financial wellness when I have chosen to face my finances head-on.



Ms Reni Odetoyinbo – Content creator, Marketing consultant, and Finance coach

Reni Odetoyinbo is a content creator, marketing consultant, and finance coach based in Toronto, Ontario. On her YouTube channel, ‘xoreni’ she shares resources around career development and financial literacy. After purchasing her first house at the age of 23, she started to share her knowledge with others in the hopes of helping Black folks become more financially literate.

Over the past two years, Reni has built a community of over 60,000 individuals across her platforms. Reni was awarded the Bay St. Bull 30 x 30 in 2022, she is on the leadership board of York University’s Black Alumni Network and is an alumnus of Google /YouTube Black’s Class of 2022.

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