Wellness Through The Eyes Of African Women- Ms. Teta Ndejuru2 min read

Name: Ms. Teta Ndejuru

Role: BAL Country Consultant

QN: What does wellness mean to you ?

Wellness is my definition of “happy” and “being full”. I understand it as living in self-alignment with one’s purpose and beliefs.

As an African Woman I believe I need to be selfish with my wellness and make it a priority, as the expectations to take care of everyone else’s is so high. I try to make it a non-negotiable and a necessity to be aligned with my inner purpose and light.

QN: Are you currently prioritizing your well being? Why? If Yes, how?

I grew up wanting to be the Superwoman type and I adulted realizing that I need to make sure my cup is overflowing to take care of everything I wanted to tackle and succeed at it! It’s easy to say I don’t have time… My priority for the moment is to define what I need to check off my list to be happy and take ME moments in the day to: put my feet up, recenter, prioritize, meditate, work out, laugh, love and breathe.

QN: What can we do to make wellness a priority?

The notion of self-care is still something I am defining and one that I associate to wellness. I realized not so long ago that it is not something I knew how to do. I wasn’t thought to do that!

I believe there is a huge opportunity in teaching the younger generations of women what self-care
is. Helping define boundaries, needs and emotions so that we raise and build them with their wellness as a priority.



Ms. Teta Ndejuru – BAL Country Consultant


Teta Ndejuru is a proud wife and mother of two, passionate about Rwanda, Tourism and conservation with over 15 years of experience working with government, development partners, financial institutions and corporations.

She is currently the BAL Country Consultant. Previously served as the Managing Director at Inkomoko hailing from Rwanda Development Board (RDB), where she spent 6 years, most recently spearheading Visit Rwanda sports partnerships, and the creation of the film office.

Teta is also a board member of Akagera Management Company.




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