Wellness Through The Eyes Of African Women – Ms Yvonne Kushe1 min read

Name: Ms Yvonne Kushe

Role: Multidimensional creative and artrepreneur

QN: What does wellness mean to you as an African woman? Do you prioritize it? If yes, how?

For me, wellness is the language I use to communicate gratitude, grace and love for my mind, body and soul.

I prioritize wellness everyday in small ways like looking at myself in the mirror and telling myself how beautiful, smart, fun and awesome I am.

QN: Any wellness practices passed down to you that you are keen on passing on yourself?

Prayer! growing up with a prayerful mother, I’ve learned that one of the best ways to take care of yourself is to step into an intimate relationship with God. I’ve watched how my mother has overcome so much by simply letting go and allowing God to take full control. I would love to some day pass this on to my future children.

QN: What has been your biggest lesson/ realization about wellness?

My biggest lesson about wellness is that you do not need permission to practise wellness. It’s a gift that you give yourself. It’s never too early or too late start your wellness journey.



Ms Yvonne Kushe – Multidimensional creative and artrepreneur

Yvonne Kushe is a multidimensional creative and artrepreneur who manifests her talents as a singer, songwriter, educator, curator and comic. She is also the founder of PolliNATION, an arts collective that seeks to elevate the wellbeing of artists through collaborative workshops and holistic artful experiences.


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